It wasn't believable that Qohen would be waiting for a phone call to tell him the meaning of life. Qohen seems like someone who wouldn't even have a phone or, if he did, it would be one required by management and he would only answer management's calls.
It wasn't believable that Qohen would be waiting for a phone call to tell him the meaning of life. Qohen seems like someone who wouldn't even have a phone or, if he did, it would be one required by management and he would only answer management's calls.
it made no sense for him to wait for a phone call from some anonymous person to tell him the meaning of life.
not because he would not have a phone but because Qohen looks like a very "scientific" person, computer literate obviously, efficient, and self-sufficient.
Qohen is a true believer, a man of faith but which faith are we talking about?
It's just a way to visually and naratively show someone who is just waiting for someone to tell him/her their "calling"(i_see_what_you_did_there_gilliam.jpg)
And also serves to showcase his mental and social problems.
So yea as that delusion is pretty much integral to is caracter development and backstory i'd say Qohen would definetly wait for such a call and it was very believable to me. If the surreal artsy sci-fy stuff didn't break your immersion i fail to see how an easy "wordplay" like this would lol
Qohen was the way he is because he waited for the phone call.
He mentions a few times through the film his previous life where he had a girlfriend and enjoyed food and generally sounded just like a normal, average person. But then he got obsessed with this idea that he needed a purpose and that he would be given one via the phone.
He becomes so formal and direct and, essentially, bland because he perceives himself as devoid of purpose and as such personality.
He makes all aspects of his life as straightforward as possible because nothing matters to him as much as the phone. He has no time for parties and social interaction, for going outside to work or for even spending time eating foods he enjoys.
What is it about phones? I know a woman who lost a good job because she "could not" ignore it when it rang. A lot of people have a desperation when it comes to telephones and I really think that's what he was addressing. My first mother in law was a miserable little woman and you did not stand between her and the phone because when it rang she'd hurt you to get to it. But she never got the call she was so desperately waiting for and died a miserable little woman.