The ending (spoilers)

There is a thread below that states this story has a horrible ending. I see it quite differently.

I too was sort of rooting for the two to meet in Paris, for her to realize that maybe an arranged marriage isn't best for her. But when it was done and I thought about it, the way it ends makes it a more powerful story. I have long known that people from vastly different cultures have difficulty when they are otherwise compatible. All the things that attracted Hank to Asha also made the end the only possible one, realistically. She had made an agreement, she wanted to be faithful to that agreement. Going to Paris would just introduce danger and she wanted to avoid that. The "West" cannot understand arranged marriages but for Asha in her Indian culture it makes perfect sense.

..*.. TxMike ..*..


Hi TxMike. I'm four years late but I just discovered this movie recently and I think you nailed the ending. Not the happy cheerful ending people were expecting but the most sensible one. The agreement was the key to her decision not to go to Paris, it was the condition she agreed with her father and fiancé in order to study in Europe and the fact that she noticed how much she and Hank were falling for each other made it really impossible for her to go. In the beginning she agreed out of curiosity and for the thrill of it, but as things got serious she had to make a decision. And I think that one of her last messages in which she said she thought she would fall in love with Prague but it actually didn't happen because she felt different there, like she didn't belong was a sign that she wouldn't be ok leaving her family and culture behind. Also, Hank had some unsolved issues with his parents and going to Paris to meet her was some sort of escape and could give him a false idea of a new life with her.
