Flip Phone

He buys her an expensive car got her a MacBook but can't get the broad a new phone? Lol


In the book, Christian gives her a new Blackberry...guess it will happen in the next movie...the first movie is only a few weeks..


Weird coincidence that there was an article going around the same day about flip phones coming back

By the time Grey updates her phone they be gone out of style again!


Phones should only be used for texting and calling. You need to keep things separate on what they do. This internet on phone business is wack!

Reminder: The O.C. resets to its first episode on POP network April 1 @ 2 p.m. EST


And Ana gets in trouble for some of her phone habits...


My daughter still uses a flip phone for texting and calling...what's funny is she can text faster than her friends who have iPhones...I guess that's why she didn't think it was odd that Ana had one...Lol


My daughter still uses a flip phone

She's a fvcking idiot.


Nice on


Although we see Ana receive a lot of upgrades & gifts from Christian, Ana keeping the flip phone is a device that allows her to still appear somewhat relatable to audiences as an everyday woman living on a budget.


She didn't keep the flip phone...she resisted at first getting the Blackberry, but Christian wanted to have them both on the same phone...one main reason, to keep their emails private..


and who the hell still use blackberry in 2017?

It's going to be Pee Pee Pants City here REAL soon -Negan
