I'll give it 2/10
So I finally watched it and I can honestly say that the only good thing about this movie is the soundtrack!
Jamie Dornan's acting is awful!! So wooden, robotic and lifeless. Even the way he was walking was bad. Now I haven't read the books so I don't know if Christian is supposed to be cold and emotionless but even if he is supposed to be this way, Jamie's acting was just horrific. He couldn't make it more obvious that he was reading from a script. Why on earth was he cast?
Dakota Johnson's acting wasn't much to cheer for but compared to Jamie, it was Oscar material. At least there was some charm and charisma to her acting.
I didn't think there was any chemistry between the two actors but I blame Jamie for that. How can you possibly have chemistry with a piece of wood??
I know it is a "sex movie" but I got bored with all the sex scenes. I only liked one of the Red Room scenes (can't remember which one though...) the rest were a snore fest. I expected to see rauncher sex scenes. What we saw was very tame. I also wanted to see more storytelling and character development but I guess that's too much to ask for.
The dialog was cringe, cringe, cringe! Ugh!! They spend half of the movie banging on about the contract and then they just ignore it and go ahead anyway without her signing it. Why make such a fuss about the flaming contract then??! And the "show me your worst = 6 belt lashes" was just laughable.
As a 25 year old female I can't for the love of God understand the attraction with Christian. The man is a creep, stalker and an absolute control freak. I personally would be running for the hills if I ever met someone like him. Why women all over the world are losing their sh*t over him is beyond me.