I watched this film with my girl for the first time at the weekend.
For me, this was a film about a guy who had been abused by a pedophile when he was 15 years old and this abused had continued for 6 years, making it learned behaviour. As sometimes happens with people who are abused, he then becomes an abuser himself.
For anastasias side, she puts up with what he wants to do because he is a good looking billionaire. She states often that she doesn't want to engage in the things he wants to do and she wants a "normal" relationship. She puts up with the kinkiness because of the looks and money. He exibits the signs of a sociopath and a control freak by rewarding her with a new car and taking her on helicopter rides. She is seduced by his looks first, and he retains control with his money.
Ladies, ask yourselves this, if Christian was 5'10, a little bit tubby and had a regular job, but spoke with the same confidence as Christian would she have indulged in any of the sex scenes in the film? I don't think she would've at all, hence this just being a film about a billionaire who abuses people because he has been abused and a weak willed woman happy to go along with things because he's rich.
Perfect match in my book :)