I loved it and don't see why so many people hate it.
I loved it. I felt the chemistry, allure, curiosity about BDSM. I felt that his walls were breaking down and it was freaking him out. I felt that she was falling for him. I love the "sex" scenes and all of it. I am not one to like films of low quality acting, meaning, or story. I just don't get what all the fuss is about. I think it took people out of their comfort zones and they didn't like that, so they bash the movie instead of looking within at their own limited view on the world and people.
As far as the BDSM community getting all mad about it, I have NO CLUE why. There was nothing in this movie that shed any sort of bad light on their community. I think people just need to get over themselves.
Yeah the beginning was awkward, it was meant to be. The acting wasn't bad, it was awkward and that is how it was supposed to be because she was still a virgin for crying out loud, and a bit shy and awkward herself. Plus you have to think about it, they had to condense an entire book into just a couple hours so I am sure much was left out and lots was shoved in our faces to make the point and for us to get that her biting her lip--for instance--was something she did subconsciously and that it drove him mad with desire for her when she did it. Like in the beginning with the pencil. It wasn't her trying to act sexy and failing at it, it was just showing her quirk. Every good writer knows that the lead has to have some sort of endearing quirk about them, like twirling their hair, biting their lip, rubbing their forehead, or something that they do often without realizing they are doing it as part of their personality. She was shy, she bit her lip as part of that character makeup to show nervousness and/or contemplation. The way they went about showing that was a bit stupid, but did not detract from the story being told, nor did it take away from the actors characters.
Anyway, I thought it was a very good movie. Be open minded when you watch it. Put yourself in both of their shoes. Feel their connection grow and take on a life of its own. Feel him become uncomfortable with that. Feel her want more from him and him withdraw. Live in the moments with them. Don't watch it to judge it. Allow yourself to get carried away in their story. Then tell what you thought of it. Leave bias out of it.