Major plot whole

I don't want to completely bash this movie like others have, but I'm confused a few things... Why isn't he in prison? Didn't he stalk her and tap her phone illegally? Also, why is this movie based in Seattle, since the dialogue seems ridiculously out of the area?

When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading!


She never reported him so the police are not aware. I guess the accents don't matter because anyone can live anywhere. Hope that helps.
The easiest thing i have ever had to do was give my heart.


I understand about the accents and not having them, but I'm talking about the dialogue itself and the words. It seemed obvious that it was a based on a British book by a British author who had no clue how people from that area talked.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing the movie overall and I eagerly look forward to the sequel. I just think that the script wasn't written very realistically and it should have instead been an upgrade from the book (which I know was critically excoriated).

When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading!


I have read where her original draft, she used the word "lift" for elevator, and a few other British words...I never have read why she placed it in Seattle, Washington and Portland,Oregon...maybe someone else would know...going back to the Twilight Fan Fiction, Twilight was set in the Washington upper peninsula...Port Angeles and La Push beach, because Stephanie Meyer needed very little sunlight for her she picked one of the rainiest states in the U.S...don't see that as a plot hole though.

I found the area rather interesting...New York as been over used as a high powered businessman work place.


Everything about that book is so wrong. With a few exceptions. Five yea r olds know more about BDSM than the author so it stands to reason that everything else would be off base too.

The easiest thing i have ever had to do was give my heart.


Yes and I'm tired of watching weak-female characters.

Christian has power because he has money.
