This movie is the representation of why feminism will end women rights
It's a shame. Really. Sane and smart people will understand what I say, others are problem disgusting feminist inbreds.
But feminism, alongside what it validated and promoted as a result of its own propaganda, which I call pseudo or anti-BDSM, will justify beating your wife, or women, and not considering them as equal very soon.
You can already hear the bubbling of discontent, cognitive dissonance or straight-up fed-up people against feminism, and if you look at History the last time it happened, which is during the 1920/30s, you know what will happen next: women will bet set back 50 years in the past, and it'll be their own absolute fault.
Explanation (again, only for sane and rational people thus not feminists):
1 - Quick History.
Back in the 20/30s, the feminist movement of that era had reached it's peak development especially in anglo-saxon, nordic, soviet and germanic countries: in most of these women had the right to vote, to work, and to wear what the hell they want, even to exhibit themselves sexually, but as soon as the depression eructed feminism met the same corruption as today, until the historical fate we know of happened, and the best example is germany: a majority of the women electoral body voted for Hitler who wouldn't have won otherwise, the reason being that feminist had integrated and promoted the ideal of the "superior man" to the point of contradictorian self-denial, un the acception of the "nationalist aryan house wife" model.
And of course what happened after, when we realised all the *beep* the deaths and the destruction of which feminism shared a big responsibility, women were set back 50 years back almost to the point of having their right to vote or equal right to work denied. And for decades people remembered what had happened thus being skeptical about the place of women and their voice in society. In fact that the reason why the "strong black women" cliché was used in the 70s to push the feminist agenda given that they hadn't participated in WWII.
2 - History always repeats itself.
Today, and comparing in retrospective, the same thing is happening with the fourth wave of feminism. While women have had absolute equal right in the laws text, in fact even more right than men regarding divorce, adoption or crimes, starting with the lie that there is still somehow not "equality of opportunity" (a myth debunked at least a thousands time, including by academics so much it's been spread by feminist medias), feminism has pushed an ideology in which women should somehow have even more right, but absolutely no responsibility by positioning themselves as automatic victims and men as automatics criminals, and for whom hungry and superficial over-sexualization is the vessel of liberation, independence or "empowerement".
This is has installed a huge cognitive bias and double standard sexism, in which men are considered as someone being privilege thus okay to attack, judge, demean even to the extent of adopting eugenics, fascist and socially violent stance.
3 - How it influence men.
The result, which started with the complete desacralisation of altruist and intelligence (remember the "Be Stupid" campaigns), then the justification of the objectification of men (Magic Mike anyone?), then the requirement of men to match a certain bodies image (remember cross-fit and the Spornosexual trends), up until 50 Shades of Grey, of which the success of 200 millions books certainly cannot be attribute to male readers...the contradiction, self-victimisation, and internalisation of women's inferiority which demands privileges and male non-existing privileges justifying the complete uncensored judgement, demeanor and attack of men, has led to a point where I hear more and more women pretending to be feminists saying things like:
"He has good genes, we could have beautiful kids" which is straight-up nazi eugenics
"It's normal to required from my boyfriend that he has a good salary" which is the ultimate contradiction of independant women
"He suicided himself/He was mugged/He was beaten, I don't care it means he was weak" which is the ultra promotion of social violence
"I cheated/divorce my bf/husband because HE's not good in bed" which the promotion of complete superficial moral-less over-sexualisation of society
"I like to be dominated, but I'm a feminist, but a man should do the first step, but I'm a feminist"
4 - The result.
The result is that of course, the growing and now major discontent against all the feminist lies, irrational and contradictory BS is sure to make feminist crumble under the weight of it's own contradiction very soon. And when it happens it means there's no more dissonant, double-standard and contradictory debates on equality, salaries, rape or violence, but that everything is permitted mainly because this violence has been promoted and integrated by women first.