Selena Gomez for Jade

Does anyone know if Gomez has read the script or tried to audition for the role of Jade? I think she would be perfect and it would be a great opportunity for her to expand her acting abilities. After watching the trailer for Spring Breakers I think she has the chops to be in a romantic drama like this one!


i think i just threw up in my mouth a little after reading your post.. she is ALL wrong for the part, that would be terrible casting... Brooke Shields was perfect for this movie, and they have plenty of other actresses who could do well but NOT selena gomez - i don't like what she's become ; use to like her a lot but since dating bieber boy she has changed - for the worst; i don't care if they broke up, she still an arrogant little beyotch - bieber is a disgrace, i hope ppl would stop groveling over this little prick; he's disgusting and is very distasteful after what he did - read here - he's a PIG !!! ld-have-been-a-belieber/

He is OBVIOUSLY full of himself but to say something like that about a heroine like Anne Frank just disgust me.... selena WTF did u see in this punk? matter of fact, u did nothing w/your career when u were w/him? u were just up his ass -kissing his ass may i add !!! selena would be HORRIBLE as Jade .. move on :)


By now we've all seen this news about the Anne Frank comment....regarding Bieber. I mention elsewhere that he'd be perfect for the David role thus Selena Gomez as Jade might seem right..anyway they went with the lesser known and very hot blonde Gabriella Wilde and Alex Pettyfer.


Jade is 14 in the book!! Why use any actress 10 years older than that???


Go away. Go far far faraway...


Sorry but Gabriella Wilde is so freaking pretty and Selene Gomez is not a patch on her.


