Very Hopeful

I am so excited to see where they go with this. As it is a French film, I hope to see a unique spin to it--or, even, a faithful adaptation, which is unique in itself in the world of BatB adaptations! Whether it is a remake of the 1946 film or not, I am so excited. Does anyone know if it really is coming out next year, or is it just a temporary year set?

"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart."


Filming began today in Germany (Babelsberg)



oh my! There's also a french adaptation coming next to the plans of Guillermo Del Toro!
Maybe my hopes are up a little more for this one :D. European films TEND to keep it more pure..and Vincent Cassel is I think an great actor! I hope they really dig through the basic themes and definitely make it original, though yet classic and faithful...atleast create the idea they really know what story they are telling ofcourse.


oh my! There's also a french adaptation coming next to the plans of Guillermo Del Toro!
Maybe my hopes are up a little more for this one :D. European films TEND to keep it more pure..and Vincent Cassel is I think an great actor! I hope they really dig through the basic themes and definitely make it original, though yet classic and faithful...atleast create the idea they really know what story they are telling ofcourse.


Here's the translated Wiki page that I was able to find.,_2013%29&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dla%2Bbelle%2Bet%2Bla%2Bbete%2Bfrench%2B2013%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26tbo%3Dd%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D664&sa=X&ei=Jbf1UMzUB-Wi2QWEr4Fw&ved=0CD0Q7gEwAQ

They were inspired by Hayao Miyazaki? I keep growing more and more curious about this film! I hope they have a US release date. If not, I might be forced to learn French and go to Europe!

"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart."
