watching chinese bootleg

I;m watching what appears to be a chinese version of the film with subtitles. The film runs 10 minutes shorter and it looks like alot of the blood and violence has been removed. For example in the scene where the xenomorph sneaks up on the girl bathing in the cave we don't even see the xeno attack her. The scene just pans through the cave as we hear her screming. Like a lot of the violence is cleaned up. Are the sensors more strict in china?

noticible cuts are.

Fewer shots of the first neomorph. We don't even see it back busting other then the initial spikes the prick the wifes fingers.

The weat field firefight scene is noticibly shorter. You don't even see the gay guy die.

The engineers don't show chest bursters anymore we just see them collapsing in pain.

We don't see the attempt to fire the engine on the alien under the ship holding the crane.
When don't see the Alien being tossed by the crane near the end. Not sure why that was cut.
I also noticed we don't see the alien thrashing at danials while she's pressred up against the crane arm. The mouth strike is missing. The alien is show but in real quick shots when its running. We don't even see the money shot when the alien is trying to crack through to get to Tennese. All these cuts make the alien look faster then what it was in the film as we only see glimpses of it running. We don't see anby shots where the alien is covered in blood or stops to look around. Just running shots.

The body in the medbay is not shown. Just a little blood on the windows.

The alien toungestrike in the shower scene happens offscreen with only the crunch heard. We don't see the woman covered in blood either cause the camera is already looking down the tube corridor leading away from the showers at this point.
We also don't see the nude woman on the floor of the shower when danials arrives on the scene with tennese. Just that horrified facial expression of her looking at the camera.

Come to think of it this cut is pretty lame.
What kind of rating system do they have in china. Was this done for a wider audience or just pure sensorship.


chinese censors are very strict about blood, sex and a lot of different political philosophy ideas... that's another reason why some of the bigger budget movies are more sanitised affairs than they used to be... They are increasingly being made with this in mind...

the Alien series seems to be less affected by it, possibly because of the older built-in fanbase and Scott's continued involvement...

You'll notice that the various comicbook movies and such take into account what is allowed in china when making their movies and end up self censoring... they don't even bother putting in scenes that they thing wouldn't pass the Chinese authorities... they censor at the script/concept level...

I'd imagine most interesting korean, french and spanish movies dont' even get shown in China... they'd be half as long! haha


I did notice an attention being payed to hong kong.

In robocop the remake OCP manufactures military weapons via china (Supposedly they have better technology) and he's even in China when he first runs out of the factory.

The dark night does spend time in hong kong.

I forget which transformers movie it is but it spent a good portion of its time in China

In "The martion" we need the help of the chinese to rescue matt daemon.

I think Lucy takes place in hong kong as well if I'm not mistaken.

Trying to think of some other movies where its blatently showing china in a positive light.


you won't find many showing them in a negative light... also, you'll notice that the Robocop remake is far less bloody than the original... this matters, as it dilutes the consequences of automated law enforcement/robot-cops and militarisation of the police...

i posted about it on the Robocop boards on this site, but i don't know if it's entirely due to wanting it to play well in China, or if it was just to get a PG rating to compete with marvel/transformers movies


It was for a PG-13 rating. Rated R movies fell out of the mainstream in the early 90s after Jurassic Park made so much money every studio wanted to ditch the R bandwagon and go for hard PG-13 films. Only kids watched rated G movies only adults could watch hard R but the whole family shows up to PG-13 after Jurassic park and independance day.

If you have a big budget movie these days your stuck with PG-13 and chinese sensors. Which kinda sucks as Chinese folks only pay like 5$ to see a movie just the sheer size of their population alone lets them dominate the box office even at such a low rate.

But I think its dumb to portray china as the manufacturer or our high end military hardware. If it wern't for the export ban to china it would be the other way around all the cutting edge technology starts in the U.S.


They have a strict rating system there. For instance, I heard from someone else that the China version of 50 Shades Darker cut short all the lovemaking scenes. All it showed was Ana and Christian kissing and then cut to after their lovemaking. Completely lame. I'd never go see an American movie in China.


After my own research I've learned there is no official "rating" system. All movies are treated the same and are censored at a universal level. At the box office every one is treated the same its the movies that are discriminated for the general audience.


So every movie is equivalent to PG 13, and yet China has one of the largest sex trafficking ring in the world. Got it.


Do you think I'm advocating for china or something? Are you implying cause and effect between the two assertions you've just made. I'm not sure what you mean when you say you "Got it"? Not trying to pick on you I'm just wondering what point your actually trying to make.


He is just mocking Chinas hypocrisy. Dont take it too personal. Unfortunately sarcasm doesnt translate well on the internet.


I'm not Chinese so I woulden't take it personal. Just wondering why weird side comments are being made. Oh well.


You would have understood if English was your first language. Duh


I'm not sure anyone understands your off topic remarks. What are you accusing me of being chinese now. Your assertions and conclusions are impetuous and probably cause great suffering in your life. I don't expect you to be perfect but do try to get some grip on reality. Learn to use critical thinking and learn to analyze the world around you. "Duh" like really how old are you?


But why would my remarks about China confuse you so much since the topic is about China, this being a forum for discussions about movies and I'm expressing my dislike for China editing American movies to fit their dumb standards? What I'm saying is related to the discussion. It's not a side conversation. You have no idea what the hell you are even saying. Why don't you stfu?


I dislike china as well. And north Korea and don't regard the middle east all that much either. But your comments seem to suggest I'm an advocate for china. Your assertion that engrish isn't my first language. your "Got It" statement as if your making a rebuttle to a comment I never made. Your strange "I have my doubts" comment as if for some unusual reason I have motivation to be deceptive. your snide "I thought you had a boot leg copy" and your strange conclusion that Oh I get it your only editing pictures you don't have the video? I'm like why are you arriving at that conclusion let alone making that assertion anyways.

Your general treatment to posters here is not friendly in general and honestly this is the kind of crap that got the message board shut down at IMDB. I'm not looking forward to an army of trolls arriving here as I'm sure movie chat doesn't even have moderators and will get run over by a bunch of haters. You didn't like this film yet here you are. There are aspects of the film I don't like either but in general if I absolutly hate a film I don't hang around its forum. I hope the series picks up and think this film is better then the pretentious film that followed it but I respect both but like this one better. But like I said if people don't like a film what motivates them to hang around and just make negative post after post. Granted your posts are not nearly at that level but we can feel the ego spilling onto your comments and we just wonder why. I'm still wondering who is accusing you of having sock accounts. Are people accusing you?


Okay wait a second.

How the heck did you conclude me thinking you were an advocate for China? Explain that first.


your comments seemed directed at me since I was the poster you replied to but it now appears you were talking to your self so never mind. And to be fare you comments were already mildly hostile. I just wonder why you kept brining in side comments.

its the comment
"If what your saying is true (I have my doubts)" stuff like that clearly imply that you believe I'm either lying or I'm too incompetent to watch a chinese boot leg and notice all the cuts. Like thats really what started this whole thing. I just want to know why you would think that.

or for that matter why do you think another poster is a shill for the studios that made transformers? I'm just curious as to why I'm not really even judging you at this point just wondering what makes people so distrustful of simple innocuous statements. Why the apprehension that people are lying to you?


I was replying to you. I never click reply unless I'm responding directly to that poster.
Nothing in my words ever implied that you were an advocate for China. I wouldn't imply it. I would be forthright and just say it. There wouldn't be any miscommunication. If you knew me, you would have known that.

You knew that I was replying to you. You knew that my question about you having a copy of the movie was based on the screenshots you posted and your admission in the original post of this thread.

Now, if you have a bootleg copy why couldn't you answer that question from the other poster about David's transmission at the end?

That's what I'd like to know.


Your not answering any of my questions. I've asked you several times why you "have doubts" about two vs 1 egg? These doubts happened well before I asked the other poster if he was declaring he knew from the movie the logs were transmitted. And again your not answering my question why do you think I'm lying about having watched the chinese cut of the movie. Why don't you answer that already?


Because it all sounds so unbelievably absurd that China would edit the part where David regurgitated the two embryos. What sense does that make?
You may as well be showing me video footage of Bigfoot or the Lockness monster.


It is hard to believe but it did happened. Hence why I asked in the post.
And to answer your question earlier yes I did review the movie again but I don't see a scene where oram is making a log entry that would contradict davids log entry right before the credit crawl. perhaps you remember where it happend?

And my suspicion is china doesn't edit the film but rather keep rejecting movies leaving the studios to edit the film then resubmit them. Hence why movies are now activly scripted to be friendly to china or edited before submission.

All I can think of is China didn't approve of the vomiting of facehugger embryos to begin with so one of them was cut out so it would only be half as gross? Other then that thats it.


It's not hypocrisy. China is insanely corrupt, and the censorship isn't hilarious irony, it's about power and control. The Chinese government is not taking a moral stance with its laws, the sole goal is to keep its citizens in check.


Hypocrisy; check. Sarcasm; no check.


I think the bootleg is Korean, not Chinese. I watched the same version and I think there is not enough blood and the alien is not scary at all. I hope the future Blu-ray version gets better.


Not sure. The subtitles I'm looking at don't have enough square and circles to be korean. Still a suck version anyways. Does the version your looking at have 2 eggs or 1 at the end?


Only the Korean alphabet uses circle. Chinese and Japanese doesn't.


Yea thats kind of my point that I'm not watching a korean bootleg.


Does the subtitle looks like this: 영화 채팅

Or like this: 电影聊天


the ones without the circles.


chinese it is


thanks yoda


welcome you are.
able to help i am glad.
