watching chinese bootleg
I;m watching what appears to be a chinese version of the film with subtitles. The film runs 10 minutes shorter and it looks like alot of the blood and violence has been removed. For example in the scene where the xenomorph sneaks up on the girl bathing in the cave we don't even see the xeno attack her. The scene just pans through the cave as we hear her screming. Like a lot of the violence is cleaned up. Are the sensors more strict in china?
noticible cuts are.
Fewer shots of the first neomorph. We don't even see it back busting other then the initial spikes the prick the wifes fingers.
The weat field firefight scene is noticibly shorter. You don't even see the gay guy die.
The engineers don't show chest bursters anymore we just see them collapsing in pain.
We don't see the attempt to fire the engine on the alien under the ship holding the crane.
When don't see the Alien being tossed by the crane near the end. Not sure why that was cut.
I also noticed we don't see the alien thrashing at danials while she's pressred up against the crane arm. The mouth strike is missing. The alien is show but in real quick shots when its running. We don't even see the money shot when the alien is trying to crack through to get to Tennese. All these cuts make the alien look faster then what it was in the film as we only see glimpses of it running. We don't see anby shots where the alien is covered in blood or stops to look around. Just running shots.
The body in the medbay is not shown. Just a little blood on the windows.
The alien toungestrike in the shower scene happens offscreen with only the crunch heard. We don't see the woman covered in blood either cause the camera is already looking down the tube corridor leading away from the showers at this point.
We also don't see the nude woman on the floor of the shower when danials arrives on the scene with tennese. Just that horrified facial expression of her looking at the camera.
Come to think of it this cut is pretty lame.
What kind of rating system do they have in china. Was this done for a wider audience or just pure sensorship.