MovieChat Forums > Alien: Covenant (2017) Discussion > Next Alien film predictions / speculatio...

Next Alien film predictions / speculation

A few ideas I expect to see in the next film...

- Daniels will not survive to the next film... If she's not killed off screen in between Covenant and the next one, she'll be gone within the first 10 minutes...
- Ridley will link Aliens with Blade Runner in some way... Not just a cute line of dialogue, but intellectually or maybe even in some similar form within the story... (idea borrowed from poster ArnoldFord)
- David will be attacked, possibly destroyed, by one of it's creations...


It will emerge that David learned of a plot to destroy all life made by the engineers while he and shaw where on the way to paradise. In order to combat this future threat David takes it upon himself to make the ultimate life form to fight against it.

He sacrificed shaw in order to save all life. He'll do the same with Daniels and the colonists. The fact he acts like a nutjob in covenant will be completely ignored, and dismissed with some throw away two second scene. The great threat will turn out to be replicant versions of Thelma and Louise. They will be out for revenge against the engineers who tried to steal brad Pitts cowboy hat cos they thought it was cool. The ultimate life form after all the experiments will result in the newest generation of alien chestbusters being tiny Russel crowes dressed in gladiator gear. The ultimate battle for the universe will see replicant Thelma and Louise driving from planet to planet running over millions of tiny Russel crowes.


Can't they just scrap it now? I mean they really don't seem to know what kind of movies they even want to make here.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


I'm sure ridley has a thin outline about the next films. He just needs a writer to pad it with story. I'll probably see the films either way. I'm really ready for a reboot though.


At this point I can't say I care anymore. Ever since Prometheus that the Alien Franchise left a bad taste in my mouth. I watch it as someone watches those car accident videos on Youtube. You know it's coming, and it won't be anything good for no one.


Daniels will not survive to the next film...
I hope you're wrong. Ripley and Daniels are interesting because they find their strength under pressure.
The reluctant heroine.

Ridley will link Aliens with Blade Runner in some way...
David in Prometheus and Covenant is already linked thematically with the replicants in Blade Runner.
The supposedly subhuman android with a mind of its own.

David will be attacked, possibly destroyed, by one of [his] creations...
Quite possible.

The whole searching for human origins in space idea was stupid, pseudo-scientific nonsense. Glad to see it go.
With Covenant Ridley set up the much more interesting idea of human or android hubris, seeking to become a god.
The quote from "Paradise Lost" is a reference to the Star Trek character of Khan.


● Ridley will link Aliens with Blade Runner in some way...

Not directly though. Some people have said the two stories take place in the same universe, but I don't see the society in Blade Runner morphing into a culture that accepts synthetics as a matter of course.

● The whole searching for human origins in space idea was stupid, pseudo-scientific nonsense. Glad to see it go.
With Covenant Ridley set up the much more interesting idea of human or android hubris, seeking to become a god.
The quote from "Paradise Lost" is a reference to the Star Trek character of Khan.

Humans share a big chunk of their genetic code in common with every other form of animal life on Earth, and the ground contains a fossil record of our evolution through intermediate forms. There's no doubt whatsoever we are creatures of this planet. Now the idea that an alien race might've helped guide along or accelerate human evolution you could get away with. But "humanity came from out there", fascinating though some stories with that basis might be, is like you said, psuedo-scientific nonsense.


Where does it say they created human life exclusively? Nowhere that I remember. The original idea of the engineers is that the seed 'life'. So saying that we have a fossil record, or a biological link to everything else doesnt oppose the idea of engineers seeding life. Also, we still havent found the shared common ancestor. So the idea that we were engineered from out there still isnt outside the realm of possibility.

The idea of where we come from isnt pseudo scientific nonsense. Its called story telling. An idea. You can say it was presented badly and youd be right. But the idea that life here began out there is as good a theory as any. Why is the idea that engineers introduced life elements to the planet anymore "pseudo science" than life elements arriving as a result of a comet or asteroid landing? The oldest life on record as far as I remember is 3.7 billion years old. Some form of bacteria that is complex enough that it must have been evolving before that. There are many many theories on how life came to be on earth and a good many of them involve celestial collision. So the idea that life was placed by someone rather smashed into isnt pseudo science. Its as good a guess as any others.


I don't recall them saying the Engineers predated life on Earth. Maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention. It's also possible, I suppose, that evolution could be guided by genetic manipulation which would be why our form isn't all that different from theirs. But I don't recall that being suggested either.


And that the problem with these movies, most of the information comes from scott in interviews or dvd/bluray commentary. Its just not in the movies. The opening scene in prometheus isnt even earth, or at least scott gets annoyed when people assume it is.


I always assumed it could have bee earth... but not necessarily so...


Would you like a hero biscuit?


No, It's open to interpretation regardless of whether Ridley thinks it's earth or not...

And that's not a problem


That we share so much of our DNA with the engineers suggests that the sacrificial engineer only disintegrates into
complex DNA molecules and that they somehow evolve from there into humans. I don't believe this is biologically
possible. And if he instead disintegrates into simple organic molecules-which is what is theorized to come from
celestial collisions with Earth-it seems unlikely that they would evolve into anything like the engineers.


How we turn out is in the dna, but a very large part of that is also our environment. We are a product of our surroundings. So its not only feasible, but probable that if we were to colonize another world we would through evolution look completely different to those that stayed on earth after a time.

The engineer dna, could be engineered itself to dominate all other forms of dna it supplements. So while the dna merges with that of the primitive life on whatever planet, it would still trigger certain switches to make sure that the basis of an engineer is there.

Really there just isnt enough information to figure any of this out. Scott is a dick lol


It'll just be 2 hours of Ridley Scott taking a massive dump while smoking a cigar.


I'm pretty sure there's an audience for that...


Well, this movie is the sequel to that particular dump.


There will be 3 ships of colonists.
The first will pick up David's distress call, land on it, and discover David has opened a shop selling carnival masks which are actually facehuggers. The first crew all fall sucker to David's scam and all die.
The second ship will attempt to rescue the first ship only to end in disaster as the pilot accidentally navigates his way into a volcano.
The third ship explodes when a crew member confuses the 'activate distress beacon' button with the 'detonate- highly-explosive-barrels-placed-next-to-even-more-explosive-ship's-main-reactor-core' button.


Hey SinisterProg!

Why did you swap your name around?


I just fancied a change :)

What was your IMDB name?


You'll have to take a guess there Sinister, shouldn't be too hard to figure out though ;)


Was it Susan? Hehe


Sally actually.

But close!


I'm guessing you are Flamboyant.


I think you're correct...but that wasn't his name. He was the dirty guy who met both Sally and Lloyd. Some people claim his last name was Crumb, others say it was Potter. Who knows?


You are certainly wrong on the FLD part, but I think you are clued in with the rest me ol' fun bear from down under!


I meant flamboyant, the adjective. No matter what they've said about you, at no time have I ever mistaken you for the devil. :-)



I am the most humble narcissist that I am aware of and the most extravagant introvert too :p

We need to have those licking their wounds to come back and try and have another go at explaining Prometheus here, particularly through Ridley Scott's sequel to it. Do you think A:C answers any of the mystery posed on the old Prom boards?


No I don't think covenant answered anything. As many of us "haters" suspected, the creators realized it would be to hard to explain the previous mess, so they completely ignored it.
The lovers obviously can't accept that fact and instead they blame Scott for caving in to Alien-fans. The truth is that although covenant was a better film than Prometheus, it was a terrible sequel and few on both sides liked it.


The Batman boards haven't yet had the pleasure of him posting here (Yet?!).

I was actually Ray Woods the whole time!


LMAO! For real, if I was drinking anything while reading that, I would have spit it out all over my mac. Ridley's characters in Prometheus and Alien: Covenant make such boneheaded decisions (for supposedly being intelligent characters) that it makes what he did with the original Alien seem like an accident.

The three ships of colonists in "the next movie" would make for an excellent Robot Chicken comedy sketch.


I'm guessing the company will learn about everything and then instruct Ash to switch with the other science officer at thedus and mother will reroute the ship to LV-426. the question now is how do we steer the plot back to Zeta 2 Rreticuli and how do we get a singular derelict to LV-426. It'd probably help if they insert something into the plot to expose why we had 2 chance incounters with the engineers and aliens(The covenant just happened to pass by the Engineer home world) yet we never see them again from Alien(1979) and onwards.


From the ending of Covenant, I reckon a portion of the other 2000 colonists will wake up early from cryosleep, and will cause Covenant to crash back at LV-223 again. Daniels and Tennessee will either die in crash, or will have died inbetween movies from being facehuggered.

Now with David and other awoken colonists on LV-223 again, they will come across the Xenomorph birthed at the end of Prometheus. This Xenomorph turns out to be a Queen, and has been there laying eggs, and the eggs have impregnated the deceased corpses of the humans who died in Prometheus. This Xenomorph cannot be controlled by David like the ones in Covenant, so a battle between David's first ABANDONED creations and David's PERFECTED creations will occur.

David will realize the Prometheus Queen is the perfect species, and the movie will end with David taking off on another Derelict ship from LV-223 with the Prometheus Queen's eggs in the cargo bay, wearing the Space Jockey suit. As he takes off, his creations and the Prometheus Queen will have or will die from fighting each other, and they'll kill off the human characters. While flying the derelict, David has what he thinks to be one of HIS engineered facehugger embryos inside of him, but somehow in a grand mistake (which is a first and final for David), he swallowed a Facehugger embryo from the Prometheus Queen, and this embryo will burst out of him, and causing him to crash on LV-426. This embryo will evolve into a Queen, and will wind up being the Queen seen in James Cameron's Aliens.




It seems that my speculation on Ridley mashing up Alien and Blade Runner might become real!

Basically, something resembling the Engineer type of alien has been spotted in the new Blade Runner 2049 movie...

Are you guys feeling quesy yet about what Ridley might have planned?!
