MovieChat Forums > 12/12/12 (2012) Discussion > The Ass-sylum strikes again...

The Ass-sylum strikes again...

These d!ckheads are gonna cause the Apocalypse--- God is going to give up hope on the human race if we let these losers continue in business.

*Forgive them Lord, they know not what they do, or what they're doing, or how to make a popcorn flick that looks like they spent more than $39.95 on the whole pathetic mess.*

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell


Is this a knockoff of a studio film? Or an original?


Asylum and the word 'original' are usually never used in the same sentence or universe.


Lmao I kno, I just wasn't sure if a real movie was coming out soon with a similar yet better executed premise.


There is a Sy-Fi Production called "Devil's angel" with a similar premise. I can't recomend it either.

June 29th. I gotta get in shape now...


I had a free rental code on Redbox & was debating between this flick and Lawless. Since I lean more toward horror flicks, I rented this...when I saw 'The Asylum' printed on the DVD I wanted to kick myself in the nutz HARD! Oh well!

Only halfway decent flick they've made is Halloween Night, all others suck big 'ol donkey ballz!

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!
