Eyes Open

Is it common for people to think looking into eyes while having an orgasm is a weird thing, or is this just the kind of thing a writer throws into a movie for a memorable bit? It reminds me of the no-kissing-on-the-mouth rule from "Pretty Woman" and suddenly girls didn't want to kiss on the mouth, nevermind the fact they were inspired by a prostitute's logic. It's the kind of thing that enters the public consciousness simply because it was in a movie.


I have no answer for ur question but I agree with the rest, ppl tend to follow movies as if those movies should dictate their lives
as if they were manuals of how to live
but abt ur question I could assume it differs, a guy might wanna look into the girl's eyes and ask her to look at her
and some others might not want to.

"It is never about what happened, it is only how you look at it!"


I'm adding you to my ignore list because of the way "u" type.



Wow, I never had a girl pull a no-kissing deal with me! Perhaps one too many one night stands?

Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!


Really? And you "date" girls other than prostitutes???

OTOH - I certainly remember after the whole Clinton-Monica scandal how a lot of teens suddenly thought "oral sex" wasn't REALLY sex because POTUS said so... ;-)
