Radagast and His Bird Nest

I do not know why no one has posted about Radagast and the bird shit in his hair. In all the scenes he appears with the shit coming down his right side... Except when he attacks the Orcs after all the armies are fighting. Now the same shit, is to the left side. What happened? He finally cleaned his hair before that battle, but when the birds in his hair saw he was going to war they ended shitting him again, this time on the other side?


No one cares because Radagast is the JarJar Binks of the series. A total pile of distractive trash.



I do not care, but without Jar Jar or Radagast, several battles would have been lost. And key characters would have died.

In reality, it does not matter that they are so negative. There was a goof by a director and / or his staff. Should have been spotted by someone. Other than me.


Funny, the characters in Tolkien's writings did just fine without Radagast. While Jackson may have felt it necessary to resort to buffoonery in his movies, readers can see that it was nothing more than his personal decision to help wreck an otherwise fine story.


Not a goof. Spatial Poop Transference is a well known wizard trick.
