can any of the hobbit cultists

really discount or deny anything said in this video or his few others??


Not a Hobbit cultist, but I can point out that some of those 'missing' character-establishing scenes with the Dwarves are there in the films: Nori filching objects in Rivendell (and being exposed for it in Goblin Town); Gloin complaining about being bled dry by financing the expedition. But there are too few such scenes.

"Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved." - T. Isabella


its obviously not black and white. but the attempt to "flesh out" the dwarves is sooo poorly done, ill conceived and ahlf hearted it results in no real results.

as he says the one dwarve (i forget his name, the older one I believe) who should of confronted THorin, doesn't at all and instead we get another dwarf with no motivation or precedence of doing so..

have u watched all this guys videos? hes pretty spot on


as he says the one dwarve (i forget his name, the older one I believe) who should of confronted THorin, doesn't at all and instead we get another dwarf with no motivation or precedence of doing so..
I've only (recently, at least) watched this one video. And you're right that the movies do a poor job of establishing many of the relationships between the Dwarves. Balin and Dwalin should both be Thorin's most trusted friends and allies; he grew up around both of them, with Balin becoming older than Thorin in the films while Dwalin is a few years younger than the Dwarf-prince. We do see both Balin and Dwalin in the flashbacks; Dwalin mostly at the Battle of Moria.

"Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved." - T. Isabella


its obviously not black and white. but the attempt to "flesh out" the dwarves is sooo poorly done, ill conceived and ahlf hearted it results in no real results.

as he says the one dwarve (i forget his name, the older one I believe) who should of confronted THorin, doesn't at all and instead we get another dwarf with no motivation or precedence of doing so..

have u watched all this guys videos? hes pretty spot on analysis


I liked The Hobbit film series. Surprisingly, I liked then better than the book and with that being said, I don't mind anybody saying anything against the film trilogy. I do have some nostalgia regarding seeing PJ's Hobbit trilogy when they each first came out.

Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fan


What book did you read?!


Finally, a video that rants about The Hobbit instead of Star Wars: been waiting more than 2 years for this.

I understand the prequels ruined Star Wars forever but The Hobbit did the same o Middle Earth: someone HAD to say it !


trueee.. but theres a new wave of posters talking about "the true unrevealed depth of the prequels"..

talking about how lucas was actually a genius in the prequels using things like circle theory and reverse parallel theary (meaning phantom menace was reverse parallel to return of the jedi, sith was reverse parallel to a new hope)

my plinkette on red letter media does a very good job of covering why this is complete BS.. and plinkettes prequel reviews clearly shows how George just wanted to sit in his chair during the prequels and direct his actors on 40 feet of green screen.

shooting on location, using real sets, sitting behind the camera with the cinematographer using different angles and shots is hard

sitting in a chair with eye level shots and just getting the computer guys to fill in the blanks later is a lot easier


You mean the cinematic Middle Earth because the real Middle Earth is in the books and forever in our hearts. Nothing can change them.


Of course real Middle-Earth is still safe: actually I just started reading LOTR again, for the fourth time !

It's just that I liked the movies too and I would have loved to see other Middle-Earth movies of the same caliber, not the crap we got.

So I'm glad someone carefully explained how much of a fuxxin' FAILURE this travesty of a trilogy was, that's all.


what is a Hobbit "cultist"?
