Legalos's new power

Just to be clear, I'm referring about this new power of Legalos's.

I don't even know how to feel about his new power. On one side I just rolled my eyes at how utterly fake that looks. I played numerous video games where characters are jumping from object to object and they still look more convincing than Legolas when doing it. Super Mario from the Nintendo 1 era games made it look more realistic.

However as time passes by, it started to become a so bad it's funny type thing. Now I want Legalos to be in a bunch of shameless crossovers just so they can show how awesome he is. Since the TV show Arrow like to take a bunch of existing characters and turn them and their grandmas into lame archers, Legolas would fit right in as a cameo. He can arrive into the scene by just falling out of nowhere in front of the heroes like Oliver, Thea, Merlyn, and whoever else is in that show at the moment. They will all attempt to shoot at Legs, but then he'll show off his new power by jumping from arrow to arrow, getting closer to them with each leap. Once he's right next to them, he'll do his hurricana onto Thea, but rather than just flipping her over, Legalos instead spins around Thea's head like a helicopter blade. As he's spinning around, he's shooing his arrows upside down taking down each member of Oliver's team one after the other. Then once Legs has shot down all of Oliver's team, he finishes his helicopter spin by flipping over Thea and knocking her unconscious.

Or he can cameo in the MCU. I can see it now. He's after Captain America for whatever reason, but Steve is on the roof of a building. Then Legalos goes after him by scaling up the building Megaman style by jumping on the walls higher and higher. He eventually gets to the roof shortly after. Steve throws his shield at Legs, but he jumps on it then jumps on another side of the building that goes even higher, basically using it as a wall. He runs along the side of the wall towards Steve then jumps on him with his hurricana. Legalos then maneuvers himself so Steve is facing the direction he threw his shield. Then Legalos throws him in that direction just as his shield is returning. Steve gets hit in the face from his own shield and does a 360 spin in the air from the impact. Oh yeah fear Legalos's new power.

Though with his new power I feel like Legalos news a new theme song whenever he makes an entrance. I know two that might work.


Ah, Legalos. Thranduil's other son and the lawyer in the family.

Folks discussed the hell out this subject back in the day. Good luck with bringing it up again.

"Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved." - T. Isabella


In the books, he's described as having superhuman speed, strength, agility, senses, and balance. Definitely balance. When he wanted to cross a river, he could just walk over on a single strand of rope.

So he should actually be able to do most of the crap PJ had him do, but it looked so ridiculous that nobody would ever believe that.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


True, it isn't out of the realm of possibility that Legolas could perform most of the stunts that PJ showed in the Hobbit movies, but the "falling bridge" trick is the exception. That would have basically required the power of flight and is out of the realm of possibility, even for an Elf.


Totally true. He has great balance. Just look at Thranduil's palace....there were no railings in sight. I mean, one misstep and i would be disaster.

However, it is true that it would be impossible for him to jump from brick to brick, in midair since that would be gravity defying.

I might be the only one but I'm so sick of the superheroes stuffs in the movies these days.


Not really, in the books it was written that he wasn't really bothered by the snow at Caradhras and that he could walk above the snow. Of course there's the passage in Lothlorien, but he wasn'r the only elf that could do that.

Tolkien said that elves mastered their minds and bodies, but it doesn't mean they could defy the laws of nature like wlaking on falling rocks. AS rocks were falling he would eventually fall with them.


The bit where he defies gravity using falling stones was pretty wild.
