A(n) (airborne) poison? I guess you have no idea how much volume the atmosphere takes in. I guess it is nearly impossible.
A virus might be a better way, but even here they will never reach figures like 90% or more like in the books/movie.
Even diseases like Ebola hardly reach a level of 50% or more, and only in countries with a run down health system, densely populated slums, and inadequate food supply.
The last pig flu hit several thousands people in Mexico (the poor), while in Sweden it was in the single digit, and these dead figures mostly because of the vaccine which killed more people with their side effects than the actual flu.
An EMP is also not even close as effective as Hollywood makes us believe.
Honestly: If there are aliens, they will stay away from us.
There is this "galactic zoo" theory that makes the assumption that aliens have discovered us for a long time but they avoid any contact.
But zoo is the wrong term imho. A zoo is an artificial environment for re-located specimen. Earth would be rather a reservation in which the indigene flora and fauna (including us) can continue to develop undisturbed from external shocks, and the first contact with a technological far superior species would be a shock.
We know from our history that any inferior (technological inferior - that's what I'm always referring to) culture was more or less wiped out, or at least assimilated to the state of near extinction.
And we, as human civilization, would suffer the same fate, and I guess any potential alien civilization is very aware of it and it was decided to protect us by avoiding any sort of contact with us.
Already Europe, North America, Japan etc. pp. have reached a level in their cultural evolution which forbades any conduct of genocide or the active and deliberated annihilation of a species, and my guess is that any sophisticated alien civilisation is even more inclined to preserve and protect all kind of live.
Last but not least their technology makes them independent from any need of our resources.
A space lift and thus making the space economically exploitable was one major stop for our future survival.
Huge mining ships could explore the Kuiper belt even with the irony that we return to our roots: the first sources of quality metals/iron were meteoroids.
And now we would tap this source again.
There are clouds of hydrocarbon molecules larger than our solar system. The space provides - for civilization like our - abundant quantities of raw materials.
Ich bin kein ausgeklügelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer