MovieChat Forums > The 5th Wave (2016) Discussion > Military advisor sucked on this film

Military advisor sucked on this film

Whoever advised on military aspects needs to be shot.

Everything taking place on an air force base (can be easily explained), being called the army while wearing marpat uniforms which are incorrectly worn and patches have wrong layout anyways.

Don't start with that "it's illegal to wear the uniform correctly in a movie and they have to have something wrong with the uniform" *beep* That whole thing is a myth.


Who cares




Well, you clearly missed out on the whole part where the 'military' was the aliens. Of course they screwed up, they were aliens!


If that's true, then it's just a lazy excuse for bad research. The movie was crap, hard to stay entertained and focused


Thankfully, it wasn't intended as an instructional video or a documentary.


I noticed the same exact thing which is oddly how I came to suspect the military were aliens. Lets hope that was the writer's intention.


let's see you wearing the "correct" uniform and walking down the street without being arrested for impersonating a military personnel


Easily done...I do it all the time. My DOD ID card allows me to do so without getting in trouble.


Shouldn't be too difficult, since I'm in the military.


Apologies for the dual replies, I thought it didn't post the first the first time. Regardless, both are true.


There is no law against wearing a military uniform. There is no such thing as getting charged for "impersonating military personnel". There was the "stolen valor" laws but those were deemed unconstitutional and were overturned.


I'm only 45 mins in so maybe there's a reason for it, but Maria Bello's character looks ridiculous...USMC fatigues, long hair not pinned up (any length below the collar is considered "long" anyways, and has to be pinned up)...but more than that, why did they over-do it with the ridiculous amount of makeup on her?? She's a beautiful lady...and that makeup would be considered out of regs. But hell, aliens have invaded. No time to sweat the small *beep*

If it makes you feel any better, it could be worse. The Asylum is well known for their "so bad it's good" movies, and they are terrible when it comes to military aspects. In one movie, they literally used duct tape for name tags on fatigues and the names were written in yeah, could be worse lol.


I will tell it the alien invaders...

Ich bin kein ausgeklügelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
