The ending summed up into one word:
shareThe way the programme was heading could you really see any other outcome?
What's orange and sounds like a parrot?
A Carrot.
I know, but I didn't want the bad guys to get the better end of the deal.
shareNo me neither. Didn't realise it was based on a true story? Must have missed it in the credits initially. Mind you £107,000 not a lot is it even with a pension and the fact that the mortgage would have been automatically paid off due to death etc.
I am watching the second season on Hulu--
the rirst has an impact on two
and in S2--the depressing events keep coming--
I can't believe some of the things that happen that directly use police to harm people and nothing is done--
I think that is just a little too lax since in the US the attorneys would have been faing a field day with police corruption
if the police in the UK are so corrupt and the legal system that is supposed to protect people in prison is so bent then who could believe in justice
and if it is not as bent as the show makes out then how can critics give this show high marks
too contradictory
and you have to really have a wilful suspension of belief...
"That's the beauty of argument, Joey...if you argue correctly, you are never wrong..."I
How about these: grim? dreary? hopeless?
But someone suggested "bleak" which captures all of the above.