Disrespectful, rude, loud gits
Yeh, some of the episodes can be interesting, but they don't seem to research or think at all.
They go to Japan, of all places, to treat the country as a playground.
Then they EAT in the trains (it does not make sense to me to say 'on the trains', as they ARE inside, not on top of them), and wave their food around while someone is sitting right next to them.
Then, they see all the japanese people sitting silently and staring at the portable hypno-rectangle, but yet they proceed to talk loudly and have a little party, like the stupidest little gaijins that ever infested the silent trains.
As if that wasn't enough, they started making AND receiving PHONE CALLS inside japanese trains.
I mean, this may not seem like much to an outsider, but you just don't DO that in Japan. You can friggin' FEEL the stress and anger building up in the japanese people in those trains near them, while they are doing their best to just endure the insulting invasion while cursing these baka idiots to the deepest depths of hell in their minds.
How do these morons have the audacity to go to another country, BREAK EVERY SINGLE RULE IN EXISTENCE and then act as if nothing happened?
The episodes were awful anyway - the fat, beardy maskface that looked horrible with that mask on, until he took it off... at which point you WISHED he had kept the mask on, who couldn't figure out how to use the devices properly, and as a result, you were forced to endure horrible close-ups of his ugly mutt with REALLY bad camerawork all over the place..
..not to mention his absolutely repulsive voice, his alcoholic red nose (only alcoholics have 'rules' about when to drink and when not to drink, because otherwise they'd be drinking constantly - normal people CAN take one small sip of Sake at 9 am, without starting a two-week bender, geez)..
The people run around in Japan, which SHOULD be very interesting - in theory. But all you see is inside trains and train stations, and upward angled shots of ugly men running around, and if you are lucky, you can detect a few buildings in the background while you listen to them pant and all that. What the F is this?
If I had ever seen THESE things first, I would NEVER, ever watched anything else these people have made. It's only because I saw that slightly more interesting 'Switzerland' stuff that made me even want to watch their Japan stuff (though now I wish I hadn't, because these people had NOT learned ANY japanese language before going there, could not read any signs (even if they were in kana), thought they could EASILY write Kanji and have it be translated to Rōmaji or kana, I guess, and then wondered why it didn't work..
..without realizing that the STROKE ORDER dictates what the picture 'looks like', so if you have the wrong stroke order, you are not drawing the same kanji..
I could go on, but holy cow are these people annoying that go to Japan to destroy everythign good in life and then think their videos were a success, while Japan is probably going to start a holy war on gaijins soon if this keeps happening. I mean, all that built-up frustration has to go somewhere..)
To be balanced, I will say something about Japanese conformism and childish thinking as well.
There are no trashcans in Japan.
Like, what? Why?
Well, apparently there was an 'event', so then the government reacts by appeasing. So.. removing trash cans stops terrorism! Who knew..
Any country that has trashcans, apparently has constant terrorist attacks and threat, but because Japan wisely removed them, now terrorists have NO WAY of attacking anyone! Brilliant!
Like, what kind of logic is this? A terrorist wants to bomb a train, but then sees there are no trashcans and is completely stumped and ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT TRY ANY OTHER METHOD THAN HIDING A BOMB IN A TRASHCAN?
(Yes, I know it was gas, but think about it - if YOU were a terrorist, would YOU let this kind of stupid inconvenience stop you?)
So a terrorist plan is foiled solely because thare are no trash cans?
That's exactly the kind of thinking that if we just have enough 'security theatre' and remove all liquid bottles from people, airports are 100%, ABSOLUTELY safe from ANY kind of attack.
Are japanese people this naive, or are the governments this manipulative?
Why did these people go to Japan without researching anything at all? I bet they broke every single rule when eating in a restaurant or something - I bet many japanese people murdered these loud twats in their minds a hundred times.
Is it any wonder Japan is so Xenophobic, when even supposedly 'civilized' visitors basically attack their rules and treat Japan as if it is some redneck countryside? THERE ARE RULES you are expected to follow, and you can't break them just because you are a foreigner.
It's just sad that those people that know the language and would absolutely respect the people and obey the rules and be actually respectful, will probably be hated and discriminated against because of THESE..