MovieChat Forums > Minions (2015) Discussion > Why are they naked on the poster?

Why are they naked on the poster?

Just why?

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There is some sexual material being prominently featured in promotional material. Besides being naked in the poster, there's also nudity in the trailers, and scene where the minions are disguised as a woman, and the breasts make a hatch for the middle minion to look out of. Plus there's also a minion wearing a thong.

I believe they're trying to target adults as well, in a similar manner to Shrek, but more obvious and accessible (some of the sexual jokes in Shrek were REALLY subtle lol)

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You may want to research the distinction between absence of clothing and sex.

Of course practical string tanga jokes are loaded with sexuality, but the rest of your examples don't apply here.


By "sexual material" I mean anything that would qualify under the "Sex/Nudity" section of the typical IMDb Parents' Guide.

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Your iteration of this simple thing makes me think you're ... offended by that? Are you genuinely offended by animated yellow blobs that have no visible manifestation of genitals? I mean, Big Bird on Sesame Street doesn't wear pants - are you implying we have to fear for our kids watching this?

It's hard to distinguish the trolls from people who have a genuinely twisted world view these days. I mean no offense, really, but I capitulate before a certain degree of ignorance.


I was not offended. I was just legitimately curious on why did the marketers feel the need to make them naked. Like did they think it was funny?

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Mhm. Maybe I overinterpreted the "Just why?" ;)

There are countless possible reasons for this. Until we've all seen the movie, it's hard to tell. It may be for plot reasons. It may not. "For fun", as you suggested, seems to be a very plausible explanation. And I don't see anything wrong about that.

I maintain, however, that it's not more urgent a question than "why are they yellow?", or "why have some of them just one eye?" or "why did the film makers choose to give some hair, some not?". Just why?? ;)


But they're not going out of their way to market the fact that they're yellow, one-eyed, or hairless. They're going out of their way to make sure YOU KNOW they have rear ends and wear thongs. That is a deliberate choice.

Personally, it was the deal-breaker for me and my family.


I do very much think that minions are yellow, round, and big-eyed first and foremost. I also think that apart from their goofy language and the idea that they want to serve evil, being yellow and cute is THE main thing they were marketed with. The fact, that you see the latter first is strange, to say the least.
It's sad that one would limit one's world along these lines.

Also, you and your family are not okay with "nude" yellow blobs - but with them serving evil, provided they wear pants?


Because they look like penis's.


You think penises look like bright yellow oblong round things? Sad story. I recommend you read the wikipedia article on that.

Stop seeing genitalia everywhere. It says more about your mind than about the world around you...


OMG, I don't if you folks are serious or not, but either way, this thread is a riot!!
Have a few Minions:


It's symbolic...

The blue dungarees are part of the Minions uniform, the poster has three minions looking up at the dungarees in that wearing them will be their destiny, and the opening of the film is all about how they become "Minions".

It also references a scene in the film where they first acquire the uniform.

This post also represents that I've spent way too much time thinking about this!


Nailed it, though ;)


well they weren't naked in the film when they found the dungarees. They could've just had them wearing the animal skin outfits in the poster like they do in the ACTUAL freakin' movie they're marketing in that specific scene


If the studio wanted to sell this film as a family movie, they shouldn't put that ass shot in the poster.




So, you mean, the movie was not marketed as a family movie? Apart from the fact that it was - what DO you think, was this marketed as, based on one animated yellow ass and one thong? A porn flick?

It's a bit tiring to point out the obvious, but it goes: Asses, we all got one. Wiggling yours around in public: weird and very likely disgusting. Seeing a half metre yellow cartoon character with one: funny. Not hilarious, not groundbreaking, but also definitely not posing any danger to kids whatsoever. Like, at all.

But at least now I know who put pants on the Kool-Aid man because, you know, pantless lemonade jugs pose a danger to kids. Not because of all the sugar in the lemonade but because of the "obvious" sexual harassment...



It's an origin story. They're wearing their birthday suits.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


It's just plain old pants-falling-down slapstick humour. One of the oldest gags in the book.
