MovieChat Forums > Minions (2015) Discussion > Cute w/a tiny bit of "magic" missing

Cute w/a tiny bit of "magic" missing

I thought the film was cute. Saw it this evening in 3D with my kids. The film is funny with plenty of those little bald yellow guys everywhere. Nice right? The only thing is that it kept reminding me that this is why supporting characters that do well in a story, don't always make for great starring characters. I like the back story and the history of them and all, but I think if they don't try with a billion sequels to this and just focus on another Despicable Me film, it would be just right. Thanks for the effort, it wasn't a waste and it was cute but lets put these little guys back to work with Gru. 😃


I think you failed to see a point in it.

They made the bad guys seem like good guys, tho the animation seemed off. Anyway, when you make bad guys seem like good guys it's a secret formula for making them seem to be more realistic in how people in life really are.

½ Asian ½ White (mostly Germanic?)


It was fun and cute, but I agree it was missing that extra bit of heart that was perfect with Gru.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


Minions had magic as far as I was concerned I loved this movie I was captured by the minion's magic and its changed my life for the better. The power the minions have is being cute and sweet and making one laugh which makes ones life better. Believe me in the last 12 months I have lived with darkness and sadness and hell and the minion's magic has healed me and I thank God for them everyday and that is why I stopped watching the TV program I used to watch cause that brought nothing but darkness and sadness and when something does that you have to walk away even if you still love it.


Maybe part of the reason there seemed to be something missing was that most of their language, even with the facial expressions, was difficult to follow... I believe that you're right, Pheebee24, they were meant to be little "character" actors, that augment the humanistic lead players, by providing a bit of peculiar silliness now and then, rather than be the focal point of the story. It was a valiant effort, though, and my hat goes off to the creators for giving the concept, of making the Minions into stars, a good old college try. 😆
