Anyone want a Lemmings movie?
Based on the classic Amiga game, Lemmings! That's how you do it right. I always thought they were adorable and sound cute, unlike Minions, whom I despise. Don't get hang up on me hating Minions. I haven't even seen any of their movies. They're just the opposite of charming to me. We're all entitled to our own opinion, aren't we? Anyways, I bet a well made movie about Lemmings could be a hit. I mean if Angry Birds can pull it off, why not Lemmings? Sure, it's forgotten, nobody knows Lemmings anymore, but we also live in a time where my generation has grown up and is making entertainment and is making the new generation nostalgic and loving of our 80s and 90s games and entertainment. I mean Turbo Kidd? Wreck It Ralph? UnEpic? Hotline Miami? Evoland? Adventure Time? This stuff is popping up all over the place.