
Who has any story line ideas?? We'd have to change things up a bit ,obviously,I don't think we could have them end up on deserted island by accident again;if I were watching that,I'd be sitting there going"seriously??" So what do you think?? The time frame can be anything-to the day after prom to a couple of years later. GO... ;-)


It was too limp of a movie for there to be a sequel. No substance.


Probably...but I'm just talking story line for the fun of it!! How imaginative can people be?? :-)


No one has any ideas at all?? Again,I realize that the chances of a sequel happening are very slim,I'm sure Lifetime didn't show it planning a sequel,I'm talking just for fun!! Anyone?? Sorry,I don't have any ideas myself,I have a bad imagination-haha!! :-)


I actually thought they would have done a part two with them still on the island.

I remember in the original, how they were on that island for years, long enough for them to have two kids and the kids being about 3 years old when they left the island.

"Oh Thank you God! Thank you so BLOODY much!" Basil Fawlty


I'm almost hoping that the dvd release shows alternate endings!! ;-)


Off the top of my head, I'd say:
~ Emma ends up Prom Queen with Steven D. Quarterback as Prom King.
~ Emma does not end up at Princeton. She and Dean peobably end up going to the local Big University togethor.
~ Dean wants to publish his Island Memoirs, or a novel based on their time on the island, (that's what he was writing in the notebook, not homework) but Emma talks him out of it because she wants to keep the memories of their time togethor there private.

And then:
~ Dean and Emma return to the island area on a similar college trip, or working for the Habitat for Humanity type organization for the summer. They could be on the other side of a search and rescue mission for a couple of kids lost at sea.



Agreed-it would have to start with her actually being pregnant,and yeah,what are the odds of them ending up on the same island by accident again-lol!! But it would be interesting to see how the screenplay writers would come up with a storyline for that to happen!!



OK, she's pregnant of course. She drops out of school and Dean goes to work at some dead end job while they live in parents' basement. They grow apart and break up after a year or two and he's constantly behind on child support, while she collects welfare or struggles to support their child alone while working several part time jobs. Wait,that's not a good story, it's more like reality. Oh, I got an idea. They sue the school system for allowing them to get stranded and settle for $3 million and buy their own private island where they live happily ever after. All kidding aside, they should have a pregnancy if there's a sequel and I will watch it, good or bad.

