Just Noticed Something.....

I just realized,does anyone else think it was a little odd that Emma conveniently had a bikini on underneath her clothes?? I mean,she was going to a carnival ship party at night,I don't think she had any plans to go swimming at all. I have heard of girls who live near beaches wearing bikinis as underwear,but I think the movie-at least Emma and Dean's home-took place in Michigan,so that wouldn't explain it. Any thoughts?? :-)


I didn't think it was odd for going to a yacht party. It would've been odd while working at the school though.


True-I didn't think about that. Maybe the yacht had a hot tub,or something like that.


Yes, I had the same thought, but just wrote it off to artistic license. We know they wanted to show her sexy body off on the beach in a bikini, so they just put her in one.
