Platform shoes to Flip Flops?

Did anyone else notice when Emma got onto the party boat she was wearing platform type shoes (I call them clogs) and she ended up stranded on the island wearing flip flops?


I actually did-haha!! Even though we know to just chalk it up to bad editing in the continuity department-Maybe they wanted us to think Emma just carried around a pair of flip flops in her messenger bag-I mean,she already conveniently had sunscreen and bug spray!!And I still say she probably had a disposable razor in there too-would explain how she stayed smooth and fuzz free for over 3 months-lol!!


Yah, I was thinking she must've had them in her bag and her platform shoes fell off when she hit the water. That certainly was a well stocked bag! Let's see, sun screen, bug spray, snack bar, bottled water, razor, flip flops, and a diaphragm & spermicide. Hey, I just figured out how she didn't get pregnant!


Diaphragm and spermicide??LOL!! I don't think she was planning on doing the nasty that night on the boat party-of course,Lizzie did say back at school that her plan during the trip was to get young Emma laid by the quarter back-maybe she brought the supplies in case it happened on the party boat-lmao!!


Hey, maybe Lizzie stashed a box of condoms into Emma's bag without her knowing it..maybe a 36 pack!


LMAO!! ;-)


I didn't notice she was wearing different shoes when they ran for the boat, but I was impressed she managed to keep her flip flops on her feet in the water and climbing into the boat. Totally unrealistic!


That's because they were in her bag with her diaphragm! lol


I just figured out how to operate Fios DVR in slow motion and now I can clearly see all four girls were wearing heels of some type. More impressive than not loosing shoes in the fall from the boat, was that they all managed to run in those high shoes to catch the boat. I don't know how women can stand wearing those things! I would've fell and twisted my ankle trying to catch the boat. lol. And since she was prepared enough to wear the swimming suit, I'm gonna pretend she had the flip flops in her bag. lol


It does look like some of the girls, Emma included, are wearing a wedge-type shoe, which are probably easier to run in than flip flops. Plus there are general etiquette rules about what type of shoe one wears on a boat (rubber soled shoes so as to not ruin the boat).

