I just have to bring this up because I'm amazed no one has mentioned it. Isn't anyone else bothered by the fact that Dean is the one who caused them to drift away? Emma is grateful to him for saving her, but shouldn't she be upset with him? I mean, he is the one who untied the dingy just because he was worried about getting "busted". Sure, he jumped in and helped her into the dingy, but I'm pretty sure she could have got in herself. We can see him as a hero up to the point that he unties from the big boat. I was not happy with that because he was being selfish, only concerned about getting into trouble and not thinking about her safety.
Oh,I noticed it on the first viewing-I was thinking"Dean,you're a frickin idiot!" But we have to remember,at the point when he untied the dingy,he wasn't aware that it didn't have a motor,and was planning on turning it on to return to shore later.Plus our wonderful writers-and yes,I'm being sarcastic-lol!!- had to have some way in the story for Emma and Dean to end up on that island!! I guess that was the best they could come up with-haha!!
I'm pretty sure she would've gotten to the dingy safely on her own too. I'm also impressed she managaed to keep her flip flops on the whole time. But it should've been freakin' obvious when they climbed in that the dingy didn't have a motor. They should've hid under the tarp, let the boat drag them back in, and then pretend they were making out the whole time. But then we wouldn't have a story.
Well yes, that is true. So we know they have to get stranded alone somehow, but again, it comes back to the writers. Couldn't they do better than that? I mean, someone on the big boat could have mistakenly untied it, or the rope could have broke, whatever. I wouldn't care how lame the excuse to cut them free, but why have our hero intentionally do it just trying to save his own butt?? Believable perhaps, but they had enough unbelievable elements in the movie I would have preferred another one in this case if it meant he did not cause it just because he was trying to save his own butt.
Well yes, that is true. So we know they have to get stranded alone somehow, but again, it comes back to the writers. Couldn't they do better than that? I mean, someone on the big boat could have mistakenly untied it, or the rope could have broke, whatever. I wouldn't care how lame the excuse to cut them free, but why have our hero intentionally do it just trying to save his own butt?? Believable perhaps, but they had enough unbelievable elements in the movie I would have preferred another one in this case if it meant he did not cause it just because he was trying to save his own butt.
I know, but I still couldn't believe he would be that stupid. It's just that I would have never done that unless pirates were taking the ship or someone was shooting at me. I think she was too easy on him. Even if I checked and found a motor, I would never assume it was fueled and going to start and run trouble free. I just can't imagine anyone with any experience on the water being so careless. And if he had no experience on boats, it's even more insane to cut yourself free unless the big boat was sinking. Incredibly careless IMO, I guess why it bugged me so much was his motivation. "I can't get busted again" just turns me off when you have someone else you are putting at risk. She even objected and he didn't seem to care about her concerns. Extremely selfish I thought. Later I did forgive him because he hadn't realized what he was doing, but I don't think his ignorance was a good excuse. A reason, yes, but excuse, no. It's not hard for me to imagine someone acting that stupid and careless. In my career I've seen more stupidity than you can imagine, but wouldn't any woman be really upset with him for that?
Yes, you make some good points. Likewise, I want to defend Emma, even though she was so cold to him afterword, I just don't want to believe she could be mean to him. But I also want to defend Dean as I think he is a nice guy too and wouldn't knowingly put her at risk. I just had a hard time with that incredibly stupid move. Once again, we agree the writers are at fault. It would have gone a long way for me if he had apologized for it, but I don't recall that, did I miss an apology? Or what if they had him hide under a tarp, and some drunk on board knocks the rope loose, or it's poorly tied and the storm pulls it away. Then he was a hero jumping in, and a bad boy not wanting to get busted, but we wouldn't be mad at him.
I agree with both of you.Yes,it was definitely careless,and a bit stupid,of Dean to cut the dinghy loose before he made sure it had a working motor,but as we said before,even Emma,the Princeton bound girl,was surprised that it didn't have a motor. If he had known it didn't,I highly doubt he would have untied it from the police boat.Yes,he was trying to keep from getting in more trouble,but he wasn't so much of an a-hole that he would have knowingly purposely put his life and Emma's in danger,just to save his own ass.I think that's why she forgave him-knowing he didn't strand them on purpose.I think if he had known there was no motor,he would have tried to get the attention of someone on the police boat,and just took the consequences of whatever was coming to him.Like I said,yes,Dean was a bad boy,but he wasn't a selfish ass. :-)
I never thought he would have either, had he known. I just think it was so incredibly stupid I was mad. Of course when I go out in a small boat I always check for two oars just in case, so maybe I'm more cautious than most people. And I just remembered something else. Just before their rescue, she says, "I never said thank you" ..... Dean, "for what?", Emma, "for saving me. For being there, here", Dean then starts to say something, "Emma..." pauses and looks up as we hear a helicopter. I thought when I first saw it, that he was about to tell her that it was his fault they got stranded and she didn't owe him any thanks, something along those lines. So I guess I'll forgive him.
I still maintain that they should've have known when they climbed into the dingy that it didn't have a motor just by the way it moved in the water as they were climbing over the side. If it had a motor, the boat would have more weight to it and wouldn't as much side to side in the water. I remember having to climb into a small craft from the water as part of a basic water rescue class. Then again, if the boat has no motor and they both climbed in at the same time, from the same side of the boat, the boat should've tipped over and neither of them would've made it in.
She fell overboard. He had to save her. He detached the dingy. But he also saved her on the island, got her on that island...helped her a few times. In the end she forgave his little transgression. Ultimately did save her. Neither could help that at the time they were who they were and felt the way they did about each other.