MovieChat Forums > La vie d'Adèle (2013) Discussion > Not much of a "love" story. Lacking in r...

Not much of a "love" story. Lacking in romance and unpleasant

I watched this movie on a high from seeing the lovely previews of the film CAROL (2015). Immediately needing to be sated, I began to watch this film, hoping that it would satisfy me near the same level as I know the other one will. But I was disappointed.

This film was not bad. For what it is, it is good – that is, if you like that sort of thing. I didn't happen to enjoy it all that much. To me, the relationship between Adele and Emma seemed nothing special. The attraction was there, but I didn't see much love, except maybe from Emma (as she seemed to think Adele was rather precious), but even I started doubting that, after reading some of the threads on here claiming that she was cheating.

This is the story of eroticism, not one about love. I think in every pleasurable thing we do, there is some love mixed in with it, so I'm not saying the story is completely devoid of love. But, I'm saying that love isn't really the main focus here. So in that way, I think the reviews and ads for this film have been very misleading. Because what it really is is an erotic coming-of-age, slice of life movie. But it isn't very profound, as the previews made it out to be – like some kind of grand romance. That is not what I saw when I watched it. I'm hoping that CAROL (2015) doesn't let me down in a similar way. But I doubt it will. Somehow, I think that movie is going to be exactly as advertised.

For anyone seeking a drama about young people who are basically regular folks, no special fashion, no eye candy, just people going through the ups and downs of their lives, you might like it. But if you want something a little more pleasant, I think you'll be disappointed. This isn't what I would call a pleasant film. Because it wasn't a romance so much as it was a chronicle of sex and heartache.

And speaking of unpleasant, there are some downright gross qualities to this film (and I don’t mean the sex)! For example, the eating scenes were kind of gross, Adele’s kisses were gross, and she always looked like she needed a shower, oily hair and all! It’s hard to enjoy a movie, when you can hardly stand looking at the characters. I hate to be mean, but it’s true.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!



For anyone seeking a drama about young people who are basically regular folks, no special fashion, no eye candy, just people going through the ups and downs of their lives, you might like it.

It's funny because these are the kind of films that I really like to watch and I think they're so much better than the pre-formatted Hollywood garbage that comes out every week. Not that this film is brilliant by any means, but it definitely feels good to watch a movie that brings a sense of life and genuine representation of it and all the emotions that come attached to it when Love enteres the equation. No perfect actors with shiny pearl teeth or make-up (though the main duo is remarkably gorgeous), no fast-cuts, Shaky-cam or crash zooms, no music to pull your emotions constantly or CGI, no ridiculous overwritten dialogue and one-liners, and especially no gunfights or explosions. Wish more movies like this were made in the world of today.


-You won't forget me now?

-No. I've got nobody else to remember.


This is a little more thoughtful criticism than the ones made by these other trolls and morons on this page, so I'll respond.

It's interesting you would associate the word "pleasant" with a movie about a sexual relationship. Sitting on the deck on an autumn day is pleasant, but sexual relationships--especially when you're young--are anything but "pleasant" in my experience. Pleasant is a pretty bland emotion really.

Pleasant also has nothing on beautiful. Adele is BEAUTIFUL, even when she's doing "gross" things like eating spaghetti. I can't say I ever had a relationship with someone I never saw naked, that I never saw without make-up, or that I never saw eating spaghetti. That may ruin "pleasant", but it has no effect on BEAUTIFUL. And Hollywood romance movies are almost always totally contrived bullsh*t to me. Maybe that is SOME people's experience, but it isn't mine.

Also, complaining about things like oily hair seems a wee bit shallow, no offense. It's like you're looking out a picture window at breathtakingly beautiful scenery and complaining about a few water spots on the window. The actresses in Hollywood never have oily hair, but that's maybe because they're not this naturally beautiful. But beauty goes beyond looks, beyond sex, beyond romance. There is beauty in sadness. There is beauty in death. You can find beauty in everything if you look for it. In the face of truth and beauty "unpleasant" is just irrelevant.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"



For anyone seeking a drama about young people who are basically regular folks, no special fashion, no eye candy, just people going through the ups and downs of their lives, you might like it.

That's exactly what I want to see in a movie.

there are some downright gross qualities to this film (and I don’t mean the sex)! For example, the eating scenes were kind of gross, Adele’s kisses were gross, and she always looked like she needed a shower, oily hair and all!

One more reason to like this movie. I take realism instead of polished magazine look, any time.


I don't want to see sappy romance when I watch a love story. I want realism and a natural progression to the relationship development, because I think that is far more magical than anything over done. This film offers exactly that. It's not trite or insincere, it's just pitch perfect. There were plenty of great moments between the two girls, none of which felt forced.


I take realism instead of polished magazine look, any time.


"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I agree with you about eroticism over love… but I wouldn't say the film was "unpleasant"… The way Adele ate, kissed, and groomed was key to her character and quite charming, I thought - she just dove in without vanity, eager to feel and explore new things… which was probably part of her appeal for someone like Emma.

I would never describe unrestrained human behaviour as "gross", if it's a benign activity like those examples were. She was just being her and not feeling restricted by other people's standards; I applaud that.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I agree with you about eroticism over love… but I wouldn't say the film was "unpleasant"… The way Adele ate, kissed, and groomed was key to her character and quite charming, I thought - she just dove in without vanity, eager to feel and explore new things… which was probably part of her appeal for someone like Emma.

I would never describe unrestrained human behaviour as "gross", if it's a benign activity like those examples were. She was just being her and not feeling restricted by other people's standards; I applaud that.
I appreciate all replies, but wanted to personally respond to yours just to say how sweet it is. You have such a lovely perspective of Adele, that even if I didn't see her that way, it makes me respect her character a little more, after reading this. Thank you for sharing such a nice point of view.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


Thank-you for the compliment! ... and indeed, I might be wrong; all perspectives - or at least most - are valid! That was just how *I* felt, but I'm not saying it's how everybody should feel. 

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I prefer this one over carol exactly because of that, this movie had many real things and feeling and emotions meanwhile in carol I didnt get that vibe at all.


I think I will hate Carol because I loved La vie d´Adele. I do not think that their relationship was a fairy tale... but who lives in fairy tales in 2010´s? Adele cheated on a person she loved, Emma found good sex and tenderness in one person and good partnership/companionship in another... not your traditional family, ma´am.
