Hilarious trash
Wow, talk about thinly disguised garbage, masquerading as art. It is just so painfully obvious that the silly, vapid story was merely an excuse to show ENDLESS lesbian sex. I saw it with a group of people, (and not fraternity boys either, but serious film fans, obsessed with the works of Godard, Bunuel, Kurosawa, Bertolucci, Dreyer, Bergman, etc.) In fact we are admitted "film snobs," who don't even like Quentin Tarantino because his stuff is just too low-brow. Well, what an embarrassment for the person who chose THIS title. Not only was this thing simply scene after scene of tired, raunchy sex; but the sex scenes weren't even competently filmed. They were ugly, generic exercises in poor taste. You know you are watching straight up porn when the camera lingers on certain body parts, leering at a breast or vagina, while forgetting there is a head attached to the body. 2 of our film group are gay, and were excited to see a movie based on a same sex relationship. They were most offended that a movie, claiming to be legitimate, actually was an exercise in exploitation. Yeah, I'm sure the men are going to love this one, if they can stomach all the psuedo intellectual lesbians sitting around talking during the non-sex scenes. I guess they can use the fast-forward button. I notice it happens once in a while, that a piece of excrement like this, gets praised for being "Risque," or "cutting edge" or "avant garde." it's truly a mystery how this happens. Now for anybody who is interested in washing this ugly movie out of your memory, check out something like Lukas Moodyson's "Show Me Love," which is a genuine, effective, lesbian-themed love story that offers sincere insight, rather than T&A and vagina in your face.
Fabio Testi is GOD