MovieChat Forums > The Bletchley Circle (2012) Discussion > Season one, Episode three (spoilers)

Season one, Episode three (spoilers)

I was VERY disappointed in the conclusion of season one. This was poorly written.
why would Susan put the gun down? Just so she could be killed and raped, and then the sicko goes on his merry way killing more young women. Why would Susan make that decision?

She put the gun down because she thought he would keep her children safe. Okay, fine. But if you shoot him, guess what? Your children are fine Susan. Duh!!!!!! Sure, you probably die too with the bomb going off, but guess what happens to you if you put the gun down? You die too......and get raped after you die. Is that really what you want your kids to find out? Duh!!!!

So, tell me again what advantage is there in putting the gun down? NONE!!!!!!

This was very stupid writing and ruined a decent show.

My review: Episode one was excellent. Episode two was okay. Episode three was horrible.


Forgive me, it's been about two years since I watched. Had Susan shot people before (was she ever in some kind of combat/police role where she had training)? I'm drawing a blank on the character or if she had any kind of background given.


I'm thinking you are being sarcastic, but I will play along.

She still has a brain, and a very sharp one at that. She can think things out probably better than most. Do you think the normal response for normal people is to put the gun down and let the guy rape and kill me? Is that normal, even for people without training? I've had no training, I own a gun though, and if I heard someone coming up my stairs with a knife in his hand, I would not put my gun down so that he can kill me without any fight. Does that make sense to you?

Plus, why was she even doing this? To STOP HIM from killing women. Would he stop if she put her gun down and let him kill her? Of course not. So, her choice was stupid on every level. Most women who get raped and killed never really had a fair chance to defend themselves I would think. Here, Susan had the gun pointed right at him from 10 feet away. The only negative to not putting the gun down is maybe he detonates the grenade if she shoots him and possibly she dies. Like I said, by putting the gun down, she dies anyhow. At least she would die a hero for stopping this serial killer if she shot him.

You really can't defend her actions here no matter how sarcastic you try to be. Sorry.


Not sarcastic at all, I'm afraid. I just haven't seen the show in a while and don't remember if she was one of the main women or a guest for that particular episode, so I didn't know if she had any background that might play into her decision. I apologize if that was offensive. I did enjoy the show--we had been to visit Bletchley about a year prior.


Oh, okay, me bad.

She was the main gal and it was her idea to get the other gals together to stop this murderer. I would have thought she would have wanted to stop him rather than let him kill her and then go back to killing others.


I had a chance to hunt down that episode (thanks Netflix!) and I watched that scene again. I'm sure I'm not doing the best job since it's out of context for the episode as a whole, which itself was a three parter. That said...yeah, it seems really arbitrary. It felt like they wanted to have a big confrontation and have it resolve with a hero rescue by her friend (Millie?), but it was pretty contrived how they got there. She really shouldn't have dropped the gun--it seemed like something you would only do if the hand of the scriptwriter made you.

For a moment I thought there was something more going on when I saw there was a whole box of grenades that would be detonated when he pulled the pin on the single grenade, but that didn't go anywhere really. Pieces of the characters were coming back to me, and I had a feeling that Millie was more take charge, action oriented (so it made sense for her to shoot the killer), but it still did feel weird for Susan to simply flop over like that.

I'm realizing now that I never finished the second season, so I might need to pencil that in for this weekend. Thanks for reminding me of the show. :-)


I'm not sure I want to watch the second season after the first. I'm sure you can tell, that ending really bummed me out. Even my wife is dubious about continuing after that ending.
However, I love the gals and I now wonder if Susan's husband is going to divorce her after seeing who she really is. Lol. Yes, Mille is very strong, so I do hope they use her more in season two, if I watch it.


I just finished watching season one, and loved it. My thoughts. . . .Susan didn't go there by herself. She knew the other three were also there in case she needed them, and she did. I don't think she would have been stupid enough to go there by herself knowing what was probably in store for her.
