MovieChat Forums > The Bletchley Circle (2012) Discussion > 'A number of these have been marked inco...

'A number of these have been marked incorrectly..' SPOILERS S2E1

I found that scene with her very sad, in a way. Susan glanced at a bulletin board of work of students from the school she was visiting to try to find a proper education for her daughter--and she immediately saw the work done there was wrong...and furthermore, the teachers marking the math work knew so little they even marked them incorrectly.

Susan is obviously very keen to have her daughter go to a school that develops her mind fully in the mathematics to an advanced level, but is meeting educational establishment resistance.

Of course we know how much a part of HER life her own excellence in mathematics has played. She just cannot buy into the head mistress's assertion that girls get on better with arts. Obviously she knows better, and abandons yet another school as an option for her daughter.

But you knew the minute she spied the incorrectly marked math displays on the bulletin board at that independent school, marked by inept teachers, that her daughter was not going to set foot in that place.

And another poignant moment at home when her husband is rather challenging her as to why she cannot seem to find a perfect school for their daughter. And Susan cannot tell him why a good school--especially with excellent mathematics instruction for their daughter--is SO important to her.

Her life at home just make me so sad, all the secrets. Her absolutely brilliant mind, far outpacing any brain power ambitious and struggling Timothy has, is hidden completely from sight because revealing it would cause too many questions to be asked about her past.

That whole education of her daughter scenes, for me anyway, were moving.
