MovieChat Forums > True Story (2015) Discussion > Goof: Inmates can't make direct calls to...

Goof: Inmates can't make direct calls to people.

A computer voice first indicates that you are receiving a call from an inmate at "fill in jail", will you accept the call?

In the film he calls Finkel's home directly and his wife answers.


Inmates can make direct calls to anybody they have a number for.


Yeah they can make calls to anyone who's number they have . It's only if they are calling collect that you get the pre recorded message

I was waiting for my hearse what came next was so much worse


No u can make a direct call as long as they have money loaded on a card


That is not necessarily correct and I believe the OP is right. This probably differs depending on the correctional facility, but there will always be a recorded message stating that you are receiving a call from an inmate at the XYZ correctional facility. Inmates are not allowed to call any one, at any time that they want.


No. only if collect. If they've money on a card it goes through just like a calling card. They can call anyone they like unless there are restricted numbers on file.


That's not true, though it may depend on the state. I worked at an answering service & received a direct call from (strangely) a lesser known actor who was convicted of being part of a robbery-homicide. He was calling for his attorney, who had just passed away. A prisoner's family can put money on an account or use a calling card. Only when a person calls collect is it announced that its a correctional facility. He's out now...he was released last year, I think.


I'm a criminal defense attorney in IL. Inmates could only make collect calls here until they put in a system with credits recently. There is one exception and that is to speak with his or her attorney. No one is allowed to interfere with the attorney/client relationship just because the client (inmate) has no money.
Whether an inmate is calling collect or has some kind of credits on his account, which apparently is what was going on in this movie, the calls have to be approved, screened, and accepted by the other party. Otherwise an inmate could call a victim, witness, etc. If the careful screening isn't done then one could stalk and intimidate by phone.(Not that they don't find ways around the rules.) So even in Oregon Longo couldn't have made a call to any number he wanted and spoken to whoever picked up the phone.
I had a few fun ones myself when I picked up a few collect calls from John Gacy while answering another lawyer's phone. YIKES! That voice freaked me out even though I was defending death penalty cases of my own.


I agree with you! I have 2 older brothers who made "bad decisions" thanks to their life long drug addiction. They were imprisoned most of my life. Never, never, never have they been able to call from jail or prison without a recording first announcing who they were and where they were calling from. It would be too easy to phone stalk/harass victims otherwise.


You can make a direct call once they unlock the phones on the floor. I think in most facilities you get two free phone calls daily....

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