Is milk harmful to the starving?
I’ve searched online and I can’t find anything.
shareI am not sure, I have read stories of the Allies liberating camps, and giving everyone food, only to find out that all the food they were giving were shocking their bodies, and some were dying from eating. Some of the soldiers felt so bad having to take food back away from these starving people to keep them alive.
Maybe the acidity of the milk on a starving/malnourished body can do more harm than good.
Yeah, apparently in times of famine, in countries where milk was not consumed regularly if at all, people were substituting food for milk and dying from the combination of starvation and diarrhea, and also lactose intolerance because they didn't have the genetic tools to digest milk yet. Having no food in your body and then getting the runs is a pretty deadly combination. Plus, if the milk wasn't being pasteurized properly, which it probably wasn't given the circumstances, it was likely full of bacteria, germs and parasites. It's illegal where I live to sell raw milk for consumption because of this.
The syndrome occurs because of the reintroduction of glucose, or sugar. As the body digests and metabolizes food again, this can cause sudden shifts in the balance of electrolytes and fluids. These shifts can cause severe complications, and the syndrome can be fatal.
Thanks, everyone. Here’s Wikipedia on an effort to help: