Fan Fiction

I wanna read Chicago Fire fan fiction stories on but I swear to God they are like all Matt/Gabby pairings. The same thing with Jay and Erin for PD. Its so annoying. While Im not exactly happy about the Jay/Erin pairing, I can stomach them a lot more than I can Matt/Gabby.

You cant make an omelette without breaking a few legs-Ziva David


I want more seasons 1 & 2 Leslie Shay fanfiction. Like I was a huge Shawson shipper and then they decided to kill off Shay. I can handle the Jay/Erin stuff but so over Matt/Gabby. I'd like some Mouch/Platt stuff


Why don't you write your own? I do, and seeing your pairings others might follow.


Actually I'm in the middle of writing one. Two chapters in.


I would love to read you fic, ObsessedWithNCIS! Will you post a link here?


Even though im putting myself in the story?


One day Matt came home and Gabby was waiting for him in the kitchen.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sorry. I fell asleep.

I agree on multiple versions of the same pairings over and over...kind of a snooze.
