Bone Marrow Confusion

I do not understand. A couple weeks ago, when they had the crossover with Chicago PD, they said she was too sick to continue the chemo and go thru with the bone marrow transplant. Thus causing Severide to self-implode into the bottle and the resulting car crash that was not actually him. Now the show is back and she is going thru the chemo and going to have the transplant, but Severide is not well enough to do it. I thought, for all intents and purposes that she was going to die soon.


I think Clarke allowed that there was a small chance that Anna would bounce back and be able to get the transplant. I guess that's what happened. Missed the first ten minutes though.


doesn't matter. they are not destined to live happily ever after. Kelly is gonna fall in love, be positive anna is the one, and then she will croak and he will go into a massive downward spiral. or, benny will pop up and say anna is another severide kid and Kelly will go into a massive downward spiral. the poor guy can't get a break.


I don't normally watch this show but saw the last 15 minutes or so of this episode. Why was Kelly unable to receive anesthesia for the extraction?


The official version was that his spine was badly bruised for an epidural. I suppose CF medical consultant (if they even have one) should be aware that there are other types of regional anesthesia, but obviously the writers goal was to torture Severide no matter how unrealistic and barbarian the whole procedure looked...


The whole thing was stupid. He wouldn't have a spinal or epidural for a bone marrow donation. He would have been given an IV with fentanyl and propofol along with local anesthetic. He wouldn't have known or cared what was being done to him and would have amnesia for the procedure. Just soreness after. Stupidly melodramatic and would discourage people from donating.


Exactly! It bothered me the most that those who ever considered bone marrow donation will be discouraged by this horrific SL. I get that the writers wanted to demonstrate how heroic and self-sacrificing Severide was but they could have found other ways to show that!!! NBC should know better!


because he bruised his pelvis (trauma as they put it) and he wouldn't have healed up by the time they needed to harvest the bone marrow


Thank you


Did you miss the first minute or two of the show? Clarke explained it all to Severide, that she recovered and her counts came up high enough for her to start the chemo again. Clarke was confirming that Severide was still in, and he was. But then he jumped out of a building...

"How do you know this?"
"That's what I do... I drink, and I know things."
