MovieChat Forums > Chicago Fire (2012) Discussion > Was Matts behavior justified?

Was Matts behavior justified?

How he was being an ass and very demanding for most of this one? I don't blame him at all but I would never take it out on my guys. And its also understandable because who wants rodents?



I don't think his behavior was justified though. But if there really was a rat, I would think they would want to find it.


There's a difference between being thorough while cleaning about a rat problem and a being just downright verbally mean to people.

Not once did he politely say anything to anyone. They'd ask a very simple question and he'd bark back at them in a manner of "how dare you talk back to me, I told you to do it, now do it"


jeez give the guy a break! He's just lost a kid whom he has grown to love and care for, not to mention all the other drama that's been going on in his life such as losing 2 victims not too long ago in previous episodes and then having the dilemma of choosing between saving another 2 victims while on call...all of the stress from all his recent experiences and heartbreak are bound to take a toll on Casey and his emotional state. Although I agree that he shouldn't have taken his frustrations out on his teammates, but considering his recent circumstances, his recent unusual behavior is understandable. Do people seriously expect that after everything Casey has been through lately that he's just gonna act like everything is peachy and normal? THAT would've been unrealistic...


I imagine that the guys would totally understand what he was/is going through and make allowances for it....if it doesn't continue long.

His world was turned upside down, his crew know that he isn't normally 'dickish' and that everyone's behaviour is occasionally affected by the things they are experiencing.


exactly! some people are blaming and bashing Casey for acting like a jerk lately but considering all the drama and problems and heartbreak the guy has been through lately, it's understandable that he's behaving the way he is...he is not his usual self lately because of everything that has happened in his life. Yes it was uncalled for for him to act like a jerk to his teammates...but under the circumstances considering all the recent drama that's happened with Casey lately, all of the stress is bound to take a toll on Casey and his emotional state, so his behavior is understandable.

I would find it hard to believe if anyone else would act like everything is peachy and ok if the same situations had just happened to them.


No, it was way unprofessional. That's one thing I don't like about Matt, how he takes his anger out on others.


Casey usually doesn't take his anger out on others, that's not his usual behavior...but considering everything and all the drama and heartbreak he has been through lately, can anyone seriously blame the guy for behaving the way he did? I'm not implying that his behavior was necessarily justified, but just that his behavior lately is understandable considering the recent events that has happened in Casey's life.
