he has no Spider Sense

Spider-Man's spider sense is a great power that he always uses. He is able to dodge bullets and laser beams because of it. When Spider-Man changes clothes out in the open, this is how no one ever sees him. If someone comes around, his spider sense will warn him.

You cannot really sneak up on Spider-Man. There is no way the Shocker should have been able to blindside him. The last scene of of the movie with Aunt May walking in on him would never happen because his spider sense would have warned him seconds before.


Definitive Spider-Man my ass


He does... it was just developing (like almost everything else with this Spidey is). Call it unfaithful to the character, but every live-action Spider-Man has strayed from the source material one way or another. For Homecoming, throwing his Spider Sense out and instead having AI Karen help him in difficult situations was a neat and fresh idea. Too high-tech for some people... well, it’s a fresh spin and I feel it’s worked out well so far. For instance, I find the movements of his suit eyes ingenious. They’re subtle and yet they awesomely help express Spidey’s emotions. And besides, Peter battling Vulture at the end with seemingly NO spider sense or AI assistance only raised the stakes.

Now with that said, in Infinity War he undeniably has his spider sense. Wanna bet we are going to be seeing more of it from now on? Oh yes. Some people just don’t have patience and they lose their minds over not getting everything right away... Spider Sense, the Daily Bugle, the Osborns, Uncle Ben references etc. geez, give it time. These things have been hinted at and they’ll eventually come along. Sure the Spider Sense may have always been an important element of SM, but I don’t find it problematic that they waited this “long” to show it given it’ll eventually be put to use.

They wanted to do something a little fresher with MCU Spider-Man. Why see rehashes of the Maguire and Garfield versions? Changes to the big screen should be welcomed as long as the character remains true to who he is—and MCU Spidey feels as true to the character as any previous SM incarnation. Plus, Holland’s portrayal has been very on point. So not too drastic changes that actually benefit the movie? I prefer that to copying the comics page by page. Now evidently many whined about wanting more of the same which, funny enough, that is one of the reasons Sony’s last attempt at a live-action SM franchise was criticized: “been there, done that”. Homecoming was a breath of fresh air for a Spidey film.


OR...just a thought....he was distracted by having his suit back and/or does not consider his aunt a threat? I mean, I always found it funny in the comics that his Spider-Sense can discern between being seen changing clothes (it buzzes) and ...say....standing on a subway platform as a train approaches (it doesn't).


it seems weird that Aunt May is able to walk in on him. (His door dooesn't lock?) In nearly every Spider-man tv Show/movie/Comic, there is a scene with someone (mostly May) walking in on him and he always avoids getting discovered.


But again, does THAT make sense? That his spider-sense feels the need to protect his secret identity?


Keep in mind that, in the comics, Aunt May found him prowling around at night, and bashed him over the head with a vase. He surmised that his spider sense isn't triggered by his loved ones.


Or vases.


I would surmise that it doesn't see Aunt May as a threat. What would he lose from her knowing his identity?
