Some things I don't understand
In general, I found the second season more solid, exiting and better written than the first one. But there are a few things, that I just don't understand.
First of all, the point defence was based on. That Mark killed Danny, because otherwise he may have told Beth about Mark and Becca. But at that point, Mark was going to leave Beth anyway. There was no reason for him to kill Danny for seeing him with another woman. How come the jury didn't see that? How come Jocelyn didn't question that theory?
And the other thing, that bothers me, is the Sandbrook case. Why exactly did Ricky kill Lisa? Was he a violent and possessive man in general? The way he hit her, it sure wasn't first time in his life. If yes, how come nobody ever mentioned that to police at the time they were investigating the murder? And why on Earth kill Pippa? Why didn't they just call the police? Those seemed totally pointless murders. Or were they all insane or something? But then again, how didn't the police notice that?