No offense to David Tennant who I love, I'm a Dr. Who fan too and love him, but on this show his (natural) Scottish accent is so strong that I keep having to back up & re-listen when it seems he may be talking about something important to storyline... which is what brings me here now.
I'm watching on Netflix and on my Sony Media Player box there is no option for subtitles or I'd be using them for sure. I'm on Season 2, Episode 4, and during the scene about 19mins into episode, that begins when he and fellow detective Ellie are in the car and she says 'look at us Thelma and Louise you could be Susan Sarandon' and she asks him what he reckons happened.. when he is telling her something about past and says he "found her in the lake" ... I thought he was talking about one of the girls that went missing from 1st case that husband of woman he was hiding killed... but then he starts talking about his daughter... and I remember at beginning of episode he wakes from a nightmare with drowning theme... so did I forget from 1st season that his daughter dies from a drowning and this other case is hitting close to home and drudging up memories... or what??? Pretty much all he says after Ellie asks what he thinks happened I can't understand through his heavy accent.
Paused watching to come ask here, going to continue and maybe something else that happens will explain further (without Hardy speaking :) and help me figure it out... thanx to anyone who gets it better than I and can shed some light!
Bell bottom blues you made me cry... I don't want to loose that feeling.