Ray Donovan Showtime

I recently started the series Ray Donoven on Showtime and binged on the first four seasons, and some of the episodes in season five. I am confused about how Abby died. Was it cancer, or was it a result of the head injury suffered in the car crash she had with Ray.?


pay more attention:
abby died from a lethal STD given to her by Ray after he has screwed a couple hundred Los Angeles sluts in the first 4 seasons


Abby had cancer, but committed suicide.


it's subtle, but remember the story of this show:
man screws hundreds upon thousands of women up and down Los Angeles metropolis & has a sidejob as a fixer for the Hollywood elite....his wife contracts a deadly STD unbeknownst to Ray's dick & he quite literally kills the love of his life


Abby was clinically diagnosed with cancer. Not a scintilla of STD. Speaking as someone who has spent too much time in hospitals, when a patient comes in with severe problems, they screen for everything. "Remember the story"?! I've watched Ray Donovan from the beginning. Seems I remember the real story better than you do.


i tuned is some odd years ago based on a trailer about a Hollywood fixer
