FBI Agent-
So who thinks the FBI Agent is the one who rats Ray out to the Russians?
shareThat is why Ray doesn't trust the FBI and/or this particular FBI Agent, b/c he knows that FBI Agent WANTS Ray in prison and/or dead. Ray is turning to his "blood family" for help b/c Ray KNOWS that prick FBI Agent is up to NO good. I feel bad for Terry but sorry I can't believe he's that vulnerable to think Hector's sister killed herself, Terry knew he went to see his sister right? So.. she happens to die while he's there alone w/her? Come on Terry - yeah he's a good fighter but he's *beep* up in the head for screwing his OWN sister. I mean countless of times Ray has helped/spoken to Hector about how serious his incestuous relationship w/his OWN sister would eventually get him in more trouble, especially since she broadcasted it all over the television for people to know. Hector was doing *beep* drugs w/the bitch too!! Hector has ONLY himself to blame for screwing his sister and then killing her.
I feel bad for Terry but I think he was so excited to have Hector fighting/training in his gym its like Terry "blocked" all the other crap out of his head when it came to Hector. Ray is TRYING to save his family right now - screw Hector !!