Ubuitious language

I'm binge watching the current season and it's become comical how *beep* is in almost every sentence. If it was a drinking game, you'd be drunk at the end of just one show. I know these people are supposed to be earthy and rough, so I guess the writers feel they have to put *beep* in all the dialogue. It gets pretty comical after a while.


Try drinking every time someone says "sure" and you'll be even drunker!


At least in RD, the word(s) are used in the appropriate situations. Watched an early episode of Veep, and the f-word was used so often and in so many situations where it didn't belong, that we never watched another episode? A recent spy movie spoof was equally as bad.


Great thread!


Not as comical as an attempted lecture on vocabulary with a badly botched 'big word' in the title, though. 👌


There should be a "q" in there, somewhere.
