Decently enjoyable

So there are some aspects of this movie I didn't love (such as portions of the finale, and the lack of answers we're given on the nature of the infection), but overall, I think this is a pretty decent movie.

I know some of the few comments this movie has indicate it's slower-paced, and that is certainly true. It may not always be as engaging as you might hope, but personally, I sort of dug how the movie felt more character-driven, willing to spend times developing these characters before throwing the unease of infection into the picture.

Also, I give kudos to the flashback at the end, which really helped the film conclude on an emotional note.

Weaverfish is currently on Tubi if anyone wants to check it out, and while it may not be for everyone, for fans of lower-budget, more character-driven horror films, it might be worth checking out.
