In what universe is this movie not sexist?

the fact alone that the movie is called "valerian and the city..." even though delevinge's charater played an equally big part and was more than just a sidekick. movie should have been called "laureline & valerian's space adventures" or something...

oh and of course, the male character, valerian, was a total sexual predator who put spacey and weinstein to shame, didn't he?


Yes, he was the hero and she was the sidekick, but no, he wasn't a predator. They were in a consensual relationship that had been going on for some time, and within that context he spent most of the film begging her to take him and the relationship more seriously.

Which was IMHO a big waste of film footage. He was unattractive and the two of them had no chemistry, I was vaguely hoping she'd dump him. Pity the two leads were so unappealing, the film was cool otherwise, but could have been awesome without those two miscast dweebs.
