Browser history

I was a bit surprised to find out that Jon had no idea what browser history was. I mean, who watches that and doesn't know how to clear their history?


He had never had a reason to clear it - there was no one to clear it from - so why would he bother finding out about that *beep*


There are lots of people who don't know the first, last or middle thing about browsing or computers ...

And since he lived alone, who would he have been hiding it from anyway? No need to.


That's all that needs to be said in 2 lines.🐭


His computer was an Apple. People who use Apples don't know much about using computers.

I'm Kevin Roberts and I'm the coolest bitch in town!


appletards are the worst


it's just a convenient plot point to move the plot forward, i hate lazy writing like that

so many movies, so little time


the FBI


the FBI

That's funny, and he might decide to go into politics in the future.


Books and movies are usually better than real life.


The trick is to delete it twice just in case.


Now your just being paranoid.

"A man chooses. A slave obeys."



Interesting thing is that in one of the scenes in which he's watching porn and they're showing his mouse clicking on various things, the mouse actually clicks on the "Clear History" choice in a dropdown menu of the browser.

It's as if they were showing that he was aware of it and making sure it was empty.
