Rihanna's voice was strike 3 for a "kids" movie for me
I really wouldn't consider myself extremely over protective when it comes to media/movie content for my kids, girls 4 and 1.5. For some reason this one annoyed me to the point of turning it off within three minutes of hearing Rihanna's voice (and neither kid really cared because this was awful). The three strikes below were even more stupid because they added no value and were easily avoidable:
1. Grammar
The grammar when the aliens spoke was impossible to get past. I don't know if that was supposed to be cute or something but it wasn't. All cartoons have silly characters that speak incorrectly so this one wasn't so much about my girls hearing poor dialogue, more just because of how irritating it was.
2. Boobs
This one is just irresponsible. I still don't even know what the hell they are actually called but this movie basically says boob or boobs every 30 seconds. Completely avoidable; who was dumb enough to hear this over and over again when reading and listening to the scenes without thinking, "man this name sounds an awfull like BOOBS which may be somewhat inappropriate for our target audience" ?
3. Tip's voice
I'm not sure how old this character was supposed to be but I'm pretty sure she wasn't 27 years old. Why even cast such a horrible voice for what should have been a lightly spoken young lady? Please don't tell me it's for the star recognition of Rihanna. As if parents are supposed to think, "what a great, noticeable celebrity and role model, this is perfect for my children." I know kids don't know about Rihanna but the voice casting was terrible, and for who? The anti role model for little girls in Rihanna?
We ended up watching Rio 2.
Did any other parents feel the same about any of this stuff?