Why With the Hate

I watched the movie, it was fun, oh was cute as *beep* and it was laughable. I have been watching a lot of animations lately as a marathon and this is one of my favourites if not the one. The starting 5- 10 minutes is a bit boring and the movie overall can maybe called cliché but it had some real creative lines and I really loved the design and style on booves.

After oh runs into tip I was just awwing and laughing. Great movie. Nice voices. Really fun. Laughable.


People just like bashing DreamWorks films that aren't things like "How To Train Your Dragon" or "Kung-Fu Panda". While their movies may not be eligible for Oscars, they are still pretty good but they can be what you call silly, have character faults and can be boring. It's a shame things like "Frozen" or "Boxtrolls" is getting all the love while these films are getting canned with mediocre ratings.

I agree with what you said, it was pretty imaginative and emotional.

The DreamWorks sequels are the ones I find not all that great.



Totally agree. Though the sequels in animated features mostly are not good. Only good sequels I can think of are Toy Story's, How to Train Your Dragon 2, Shrek 2 (not the rest, i didnt like the rest) and Monster Inc.'s prequel. The rest was mostly forced with really silly added chracters with boring plot (Altough there is proably a few that I missed which are good)

And sometimes I dont get people's choices of praising and bashing. They chose to praise Frozen. Which was a mediocre movie. I enjoyed it. But it wasn't a life changer. People are still talking about how amazing and awesome it is. Same with this movie. Home in my opinion was an above average fun and overall good movie. But for some reason people decided to bash it.

Conclusion: People are weird.


Frozen had entertaining songs, a meaningful sidekick, and took a different turn than what people think outside of most Disney movies. The witch with powers wasn't a villain. She was a normal (aside from magic & being royalty) human with human emotions & fears and a unique quality about her that made her feel like an outcast. The characters, especially Elsa, rang true with many of the audience members young and old. Not only that, it turns the unfairly stereotyped Disney tropes (love at first sight, true love's kiss) on their heads. Facets of this movie were done before (Lilo & Stitch for sisterly love) but Frozwn took those previous elements and examined another aspect (reuniting after estrangement, self-sacrifice).

Home on the other hand felt like it couldn't quite get passed the idea it was a kids' movie. From the pastel colors, to the broken english, to Parson's voice, it felt like one long annoyance parents would have to forgive rather than accept. I think people see more what Home could have been and feel there was a lot of wasted potential. There were some clever and emotional bits, but overall it felt like they were marking off a checkbox.

Frozen took some risks and they paid off. I don't feel that with Home.

If you're happy and you know it, go sit in the corner and think about your life.


Yeah I am not saying that home is better than Frozen or anything. But I still think that Frozen is overrated and Home is a bit underrated.

With Home I feel like the friendly invading aliens was a bright idea along with the coward ones being the evil takers. Although the Gorgs not being villians was heavily predictable I didn't expect it was because of a stolen artifact (Then revealed to be an egg) untill that shusher clip

Frozen was a good animation although it had a really cliché script if you compare it to the normal live-action movies. It brought a new perspective of that pure love at first sight. Tangled has a similar twist where it is still true love but not at all at first sight and Shrek totally broke the classics on love and princess's in fairy tales. Frozen is a nice movie but in my opinion still overrated.


OP, you seem to support your like for Frozen by looking at the film's plot and characters, but you seem to base your dislike for Home solely on personal grievances.

When I look at Frozen, I see its "meaningful" sidekick as contrived, and while I appreciate that Frozen included these messages, the movie had several problems you're not addressing. The plot was all over the place. It still relied heavily on the tropes of damsel in distress. Its music was intended for marketing just as much as Home's soundtrack.

I thought Home was an average film. I don't see it as below or above Frozen, personally. I see them both as kids' movies. I do think love the fact that Home portrayed a family who immigrated to the United States. I don't understand why Broken English is such a hindrance. It didn't both me at all. Speaking English in real life is rarely grammatically correct.

I absolutely hate The Big Bang Theory, and I thought Parson and Rihanna did a fine job.

I don't feel that Frozen was a success because it took risks. I feel Frozen was a success because they cranked out several generic pop songs that appealed to multiple audiences. It has the brand of Disney attached to it. Elsa and Anna and all of the characters look like expensive Barbie dolls.

I thought Home was cute and simple. I thought Frozen was more of the same.


Or maybe people just don't like it because it's aggressively, offensively mediocre. Not compared with any of the DreamWorks greats, just by itself. It is overly manic colorful exploding dullness.

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Whether they find life there or not, I think Jupiter should be considered an enemy planet.


The issue is I think this in better hands could have been a much better movie rather than what amounts to kiddie fair with a couple of clever moments here and there.

It was incredibly tough to get through, but I'll admit there were flashes where I could see something brilliant trying to get out. It's unfortunate because it felt like the potential wasn't fully realized by being trapped in what the studio thinks a kids' movie should be.

If you're happy and you know it, go sit in the corner and think about your life.


Ah, yes, the whole vague justification for bashing a movie based on the studio. No specifics, just vague-ness.

What did you think about the name "Oh"? How about the acknowledgment that the biggest mistake was not being friends with "Oh"? How about the part where "Oh" told "Tip" that he wasn't lying to her because he was doing something for her own good? Did any of that register anything with you in the slightest? Oh wait, you've already said that it was incredibly tough for you to grasp the message of the movie?

Never mind. Sorry to waste your time with specifics when you can keep it simple. Disney and Pixar are good, Dreamworks is bad. Right?


I was specific on other threads, mentioning my issues with the voice acting, dialogue of the aliens, and their designs. Especially with Jim Parson's trying to sound inmocent, and it comes out as annoying.

"Oh"? How about the acknowledgment that the biggest mistake was not being friends with "Oh"? How about the part where "Oh" told "Tip" that he wasn't lying to her because he was doing something for her own good?"

Much like the Lego Movie, very little meat for all the work I had to go through to get to that point. Those did register, but I don't feel these aspects redeemed the movie. I do see flashes of brilliance in Home, but don't think it was fully realized.

Not all of DreamWorks is bad. Kung Fu Panda and How to Train Your Dragon are good, as is Prince of Egypt. Rise of the Guardians is decent as is some of their 2D work. I don't remember much about Madagascar. Shrek & Shrek 2 are decent. Antz, again I don't remember much.

It's really their recent spate, with Turbo, Mr. Peabody, and Home. Turbo I hold no hope out for any studio. The others were annoying and typical kids' fare that had executive meddling written all over them. I actually think DreamWorks could have had something from both with a better creative team and faith in them and the source material rather than an over reliance on popular stars and pop culture.

If you're happy and you know it, go sit in the corner and think about your life.


I suspect it is a perfect intersection of derision for Dreamworks animation that doesn't have dragons or pandas, and online snobbery towards The Big Bang Theory.
I have to admit, I'm predisposed to dislike the movie because I have an intense hatred for Sheldon. It's not fair, but I'd rather just watch E.T.
Still, you might want to rethink your use of the word "laughable."



I didn't find it funny at ALL. It's purely for kids rather than a movie the whole family can enjoy.


I liked it, my kids liked it and I found it quite funny.

Sure it was obvious that the ending would be happy.. but that doesn't matter, this was a feel good movie, put the film on, enjoy the music, let your kids dance around and party like Oh!

Not every kids film needs things added just for the adults.. Sometimes its nice to just relax and watch a fun innocent film.


Because it sucks. End of discussion. Maybe it's just me but I find movies that feature FORCED RELOCATION as a plot element to be slightly off-putting.


You've missed the point. It isn't a plot element, it's a major theme as in "This is bad!!!!" The whole movie shows how the Boov would claim their actions were benevolent and in the best interests of the humans, when in fact they were bad for the humans. It's a thinly disguised message about Imperialism with strong parallels to what happened in the United States with the Native Americans. I'm actually shocked that you missed that this was the point....


Glad people like you realized it is not just a pointless children movie.


I couldn't feel any empathy for the characters, so I think that's the reason I didn't like it. Maybe I'm not a Rihanna fan.
