MovieChat Forums > Home (2015) Discussion > Stop with the mean comments!

Stop with the mean comments!

I don't see why a lot of people are showing such disdain towards Home and a lot of other Dreamworks films.

You are probably adults patronizing a friendly little kids film and attacking other people for liking it. That's sad. You need therapy for severely attacking a cheerful film and other people for liking it. The characters did not do anything to make you hate them so much unless they were the villain, which makes sense because every film needs a villain or an antagonist. It is not like Caillou where there's a whole bunch of whining, crying, disobedience, and brattiness. And it is not seriously a drama neither.

It was fine to me. It's not something I'd watch over and over again. It was boring at the start, Tip was a stereotypical teenage or preteen girl with an attitude and it was sort of weird like the character names and Tip driving a car. Oh may be obnoxiously loud to some people but he doesn't have an ear-piercingly loud scream and he is not overly outgoing. Now, I didn't like Pig, he was quite underdeveloped but he wasn't even in the movie much neither.

Wake up, wake up, wake up, it's the first of the month.
