So we're watching the show for the first time, halfway through Season 1, and Beverly was back and Shauna was gone. It is my understanding that we don't see her again. She was a good character. Did they explain her disappearance on the show? Sometimes its pace is quick.
As with many shows, it retooled in the first season, and Shauna got "Chuck Cunninghammed." Mindy said in a recent interview that Fox made her get rid of some regular characters to save money. I feel like she might more have meant Anna Camp because Shauna was obviously replaced with Tamra/Xosha Roquemore, who has the same, "sassy young woman who makes Mindy seem old" thing going. There was recently a joke on The Grinder, another Fox show, about networks having to be forced to be diverse, and it made me wonder if that was behind the Shauna/Tamra swap. That said, I much prefer Tamra anyway.
The actress got a regular part on The Crazy Ones, that show with Robin Williams and then, was on a bunch of Hawaii Five-O episodes.
Beverly is funny, but she's very difficult to get along with. But as long as they permanently include both Annette and Dot in this show's main cast, then we can get along with all these three rough cranky old women at the same time.
Even if Tamara is a broadened version of Shauna, I can get along with Tamara well enough. But what I don't understand that saving money situation in this show might too automatically merged too quick.
Both Gwen and Shauna characters should not have been written out too quickly without proper endings in this show, even if those two actresses, who played Gwen and Shauna, wanted better projects besides this show.
This Betsy did help this show somehow in its second season and she's completely lively than boring. Although, the way they written her out of the main cast at the end of this show's second season was kind of too dangerously careless. But more likely, she may not be out of this show yet and she'll be returning to this show as reduced guest, so please do not miss her yet either.
I was sad because in some episodes in S02, she would one line, and sometimes no lines at all. She was a good character. The thanksgiving episode, where Jeremy accompanied her to her family's house was pretty good, and gave her some depth. Then slowly she just a punchline or two, usually about her crush over Doctor C. I just hope Delaurier is to be seen in Season 3.